Document Type : Original Article
Department of Psychology, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Background: Postpartum period is the riskiest time for mood disorders and psychosis.
Postpartum depression is the most important mood disorder after delivery, which can
be accompanied by mother-child and family relationship disorders. Meta-analysis with
the integration of research results demonstrates to investigate the association between the mode
of delivery and postpartum depression. Materials and Methods: This meta-analysis uses the
Rosenthal and Robin approach. For this purpose, 18 studies which were acceptable in terms of
methodology were selected and meta-analysis was conducted on them. Research instrument
was a checklist of meta-analysis. After summarizing the results of the studies, effect sizes were
calculated manually and combined based on meta-analysis method. Results: The findings
showed that the amount of effect size (in term of Cohen d) of delivery mode on postpartum
depression was 0/30 (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Delivery mode on maternal mental health is
assessed medium. Meta analysis also indicates moderator variables role, and researcher must
focus in these variables.
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