Document Type : Original Article
- . Iraj Zareban
- . Mahmood Karimy 1
- . Shamsaddin Niknami 2
- . Alireza Haidarnia 3
- . Fatemeh Rakhshani 3
1 Department of Public Health, School of Health, Saveh University of Medical Sciences, Saveh
2 Department of Health Education, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University
3 Department of Health Education, School of Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: Diabetes as the most common diseases caused by metabolic disorders is an
important global challenge. This is a disease that requires lifelong self‑care because self‑care and
improved quality of life is cost effective. This study is aimed to determine the impact of self‑care
education program on reducing HbA1c, type 2 diabetic patients and was conducted in Zahedan.
Materials and Methods: This is an experimental study done on 138 diabetic female patients in
Zahedan city, in 2011 (1390). This sampling method of patients was based on inclusion and exclusion
criteria of the Diabetes Center, at Hazrat Ali Asghar Hospital(AS) in Zahedan. Samples were divided
randomly in to two groups: 69 cases and 69 controls. Data collected included validity and reliability
confirmed questionnaire. Checklist was based on patients ‘performance of reporting and (HbA1c)
testing. Before the educational intervention, the checklist of questions for recording the (HbA1c)
test for both the groups were completed, and study samples received 5 sessions of education (with
the group discussion and film show) for a month. However, the control group received only routine
training. Three months after the educational intervention, both groups completed the questionnaire
and the check list and data using SPSS software and the appropriate tests were analyzed.
Results: Findings showed that the mean domain scores of area of knowledge, attitude and practice
educational groups, were recorded as (46.6 ± 8.57, 46.5 ± 0.86 and 29.06 ± 10.02), respectively.
And after education scores of knowledge, attitude and practice were recorded as (52.80 ± 2.20,
12.98 ± 1.02 and 39.69 ± 4.74), respectively, and in study group significant difference (P < 0/001)
was seen. Conclusion: Self‑care training in striation leads to improve knowledge, attitude and
self‑care performance of the study samples and also improves the average (HbA1c). Because it
seems to increase the active participation of learners in their care that they have experienced with
this training method and their motivation enhanced them to learn better self‑care. So this type of
care education should be given to the attention of nurses and healthcare’s staff.
Keywords diabetes [Last accessed 2011
May 02].
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