Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Health, School of Health, Social Development and Health Promotion Research Centre, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran


Background: In order to incorporate new knowledge, skills and emerging concepts from
dynamic fields of public health into ongoing courses reform of curriculums sounds necessary.
Accordingly, this study was performed to modify health education curriculum of public health
undergraduate level. Materials and Methods: Using Delphi technique, 18 health education
lecturers from Tehran, Tabriz, Yazd, Shiraz, Gonabad, Ghazvin, Avhvaz and Kurdistan Universities
Medical of Sciences based on their expertize in health education with PhD degree as scientific
members, also 5 heads of departments according to working at health deputy for at least more
than 5 years were asked during three rounds through panel experts to suggest and rate topics
they deemed most important to graduate public health experts and curricula related to the
areas of knowledge and skills in health education course. Results: The experts suggested
that health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks, advocate health, behavior change
theories and developing a framework are key objects in the curriculum. Much more new topical
outlines were related to previous course. Skills rated as important included need assessment
and health communication. The most evaluators suggested that adding a practicum unit to two
theory units will be helpful. Conclusion: The results from our survey suggested that changes
in the course definition including new course objectives, topical outlines, and required skills
were deemed important by the lecturers and were appropriately integrated into the health
education course curriculum. The new curriculum should be evaluated constantly to seek and
provide experiences that will best prepare students to meet challenges as a health educator.


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