Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Medical Information and Records Management
2 Borakhar Health Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Context: People capacity maturity model (PCMM) is one of the models which focus on
improving organizational human capabilities. Aims: The aim of this model’s application is to
increase people ability to attract, develop, motivate, organize and retain the talents needed
to organizational continuous improvement. Settings and Design: In this study, we used the
PCMM for investigation of organizational maturity level in medical record departments of
governmental hospitals and determination strengths and weaknesses of their staff capabilities.
Materials and Methods: This is an applied research and cross sectional study in which
data were collected by questionnaires to investigation of PCMM model needs in medical
record staff of governmental hospitals at Isfahan, Iran. We used the questionnaire which has
been extracted from PCMM model and approved its reliability with Cronbach’s Alpha 0.96.
Statistical Analysis Used: Data collected by the questionnaire was analyzed based on the
research objectives using SPSS software and in accordance with research questions descriptive
statistics were used. Results: Our findings showed that the mean score of medical record
practitioners, skill and capability in governmental hospitals was 35 (62.5%) from maximum
56 (100%). There is no significant relevance between organizational maturity and medical
record practitioners, attributes. Conclusions: Applying PCMM model is caused increasing staff
and manager attention in identifying the weaknesses in the current activities and practices, so
it will result in improvement and developing processes.
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