Document Type : Original Article


Department of Statistics and Mathematics, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Researchers believe that there are social exchanges
between the employers and employees, because the employees would be interested in
their organization and trust it based on how the organization values them and their welfare,
comfort, and security. This belief is known as perceived organizational support that makes
employees consider themselves as a part of their organization and have a commitment to it.
The literature review is very limited in both variables in Iran and thus few studies also report
the perceived organizational support and job involvement at the lower levels in our country.
This research aimed at studying the levels of perceived organizational support and job
involvement, relationship between this two, and the demographic factors relationship with both
of them. Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive analytical study conducted in
2012. The population included 123 emergency nurses in General Hospitals of Qom. Data were
collected through Perceived Organizational Support and Job Involvement Questionnaires and
analyzed using SPSS software, descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation and Chi-square
test. Results: Both mean scores for perceived organizational support and job involvement
were in average level, 146/12 and 35/38, respectively. There was a significant relationship
between perceived organizational support and age, education, tenure, organizational position,
and job shift. There was also a significant relationship between job involvement and age
and education and finally between perceived organizational support and job involvement
(P = 0/029). Discussion: The high correlation between perceived organizational support
and job involvement indicates that the improvement of perceived organizational support are
necessary through motivating the employees, showing interest in them, paying attention to
them, respecting them, and providing development opportunity in the organization. These
should be always considered by managers
to improve job involvement


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