Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

2 Health Information Technology Research Center, Isfahan, Iran


Background: A number of diagnostic scales or questionnaires have been developed in recent
years, to assess mobile phone dependency. A valid and reliable assessment instrument for
correspondence of Iranian culture is essential. The aim of our study is to validate the Iranian
version of the Cell Phone Dependency Questionnaire (CPDQ). Materials and Methods: In this
cross-sectional study, data were collected from 784 students, who were studying in four main
Isfahan Universities. The participants completed the demographic questionnaire, CPDQ,
anonymously. To analyze the data we used concurrent validity, factor analysis, internal
consistency, split-half, and test–retest. Results: We extracted three factors including Salience,
Overusing of the cell phone, compulsive use of SMS. Cronbach’s alpha of the CPDQ was.
88 (Cronbach’s alpha of the factors were 0.85, 0.70, and 0.76,, respectively). Conclusion: The
CPDQ proved to be a reliable questionnaire to assess the extent of problems caused by the
‘misuse’ of the cell phone in Iranian society.


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