Document Type : Original Article
Psychological problems as state anxiety (SA) in the work environment has negative effect on
the employees life especially shift work nurses, i.e. negative effect on mental and physical
health (sleep quality, eye fatigue and comfort thermal).The purpose of this study was
determination of effects of state anxiety and thermal comfort on sleep quality and eye fatigue
in shift work nurses. Methods: This cross-sectional research conducted on 82 shift-work
personnel of 18 nursing workstations of Isfahan hospitals in 2012. To measure the SA, sleep
quality, visual fatigue and thermal comfort, Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory, Pittsburg
sleep quality index, eye fatigue questionnaire and thermal comfort questionnaire were used
respectively. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, student test and correlation
analysis. Results: Correlation between SA and sleep quality was −0.664(P < 0001), Pearson
correlation between SA and thermal comfort was −0.276(P = 0.016) and between SA and eye
fatigue was 0.57 (P < 0001). Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be concluded that
improvement of thermal conditions and reduce state anxiety level can be reduce eye fatigue
and increase the sleep quality in shift work nurses.
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