Document Type : Original Article


Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Studies showed that lack of interest in the field of study in the 1st year of residency
could create stress and then causing psychological problems like anxiety. The purpose of this study
was the evaluation of relationship between interest to the specialized field of study and the level of
medical residents’ anxiety in 2010. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross‑sectional study.
The statistical population of this study was the medical residents (1st‑4th year) from the Universities
of Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Gilan, Sanandaj and Kashan (370 residents). They were selected by
stratified sampling method proportional to size and were included in this study. Data was collected
by using the researcher‑made questionnaire of demographic characteristics, the questionnaire
about the field of study selection and Zung anxiety self‑assessment standard questionnaire. The
findings were analyzed by using the SPSS statistical software version 16, descriptive and analytical
tests (t‑test, one‑way ANOVA and Pearson). The significance level was considered as P ≤ 0.05.
Results: The results showed that more than 92% of the surveyed residents did not have anxiety
and were in the normal group. There was a significant correlation between the specialized field of
interest and anxiety scores of the residents (P < 0.05). In particular, the following cases had a direct
effect on interest rates and anxiety in residents: the amount of time for visiting and patient care, job
stress, time for personal affairs, the ability to predict the agenda and job security. Conclusions: The
relationship between various factors and anxiety level was corroborated that the residents’ interest
and success in studying was the result of their choices and management plans to eliminate barriers
for the selection of the field and the favorite city by the officials and planners.


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