Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Library and Information Sciences, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Commitment to abstracting standards has a very significant role in information
retrieval. The present research aimed to evaluate the rate of Commitment to ISO 214
Standard among the Persian abstracts of approved research projects at School of Health
Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study used a researcher‑made checklist to collect data,
which was then analyzed through content analysis. The studied population consisted of 227
approved research projects in the School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences during 2001‑2010. The validity of the checklist was measured by
face and content validity. Data was collected through direct observations. Statistical analyzes
including descriptive (frequency distribution and percent) and inferential statistics (Chi‑square
test) were performed in SPSS‑16. Results: The highest and lowest commitment rates to ISO 214
standard were in using third person pronouns (100%) and using active verbs (34/4%), respectively.
In addition, the highest commitment rates to ISO 214 standard (100%) related to mentioning third
person pronouns, starting the abstract with a sentence to explain the subject of the research,
abstract placement, and including keyword in 2009. On the other hand, during 2001‑2003, the
lowest commitment rate was observed in reporting research findings (16/7%). Moreover, various
educational groups differed significantly only in commitment to study goals, providing research
findings, and abstaining from using abbreviations, signs, and acronyms. Furthermore, educational
level of the corresponding author was significantly related with extracting the keywords from the
text. Other factors of ISO 214 standard did not have significant relations with the educational level
of the corresponding author. Conclusions: In
general, a desirable rate of commitment to ISO
214 standard was observed among the Persian
abstracts of approved research projects at the
School of Health Management and Medical
Informatics of Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences. However, commitment rates differed
between years. In addition, commitment to ISO
214 standard was not significantly related with
educational group and level.
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