Document Type : Original Article


1 Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran

2 Department in Noor and Ali Asqar Hospitals, Isfahan

3 Department of Health Information Technology, School of Health Management and Information Sciences

4 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Health

5 Health Management and Economics Research Centre, Department of Health Information Technology, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


Objective: Supporting a therapeutic approach and medication therapy management, the
pharmacy information system (PIS) acts as one of the pillars of hospital information system.
This ensures that medication therapy is being supported with an optimal level of safety and
quality similar to other treatments and services. Materials and Methods: The present study
is an applied, cross‑sectional study conducted on the PIS in use in selected hospitals. The
research population included all users of PIS. The research sample is the same as the research
population. The data collection instrument was the self‑designed checklist developed from the
guidelines of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, Australia pharmaceutical
Society and Therapeutic guidelines of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association.
The checklist validity was assessed by research supervisors and PIS users and pharmacists.
Findings: The findings of this study were revealed that regarding the degree of meeting the
standards given in the guidelines issued by the Society of Pharmacists, the highest rank in
observing input standards belonged to Social Services hospitals with a mean score of 32.75.
Although teaching hospitals gained the highest score both in process standards with a mean
score of 29.15 and output standards with a mean score of 43.95, the private hospitals had the
lowest mean score of 23.32, 17.78, 24.25 in input, process and output standards, respectively.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be claimed that the studied hospitals had a minimal
compliance with the input, output and processing standards related to the PIS.


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