Document Type : Original Article
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: Health promotion behavior is one of the main criteria for determining health that
is recognized as the basic factor in catching numerous diseases. Observing such behaviors by
the elderly prevents affliction to various diseases and has potential effect in promoting health
and increasing the elderly quality of life. This research was done for the aim of determining
effective factors on health promotion behaviors and health status in the elderly of the Dena
province. Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty elderly of over 65 years of age
were selected randomly to do this descriptive‑analytical study (cross‑sectional type). The
questionnaire regarding health promoting lifestyle profile 2 (HPLP2) was used for measuring
the rate of health promotion behaviors. The data was collected by personal interviews and
face to face method for completing the relevant questionnaire and was analyzed by SPSS
software version 20 and also proper tests. Results: The average score of the elderly health
promotion behaviors in the Dena province (143.8) indicated the acceptable level of performing
health promoting behaviors in this group, such that 85% of the elderly had intermediate
health promoting behaviors and 15% had proper behaviors. Also, the results showed that the
average score of the physical activity and nutrition sub‑measuring conditions was lower than
the average score of other sub measures of prevention had the highest average. Moreover,
comparison of the correlation of health promotion behaviors with the sub‑measures showed
that apart from the healthy nutrition sub‑measure, all the other sub‑measures have significant
correlation with health promotion behaviors. Conclusion: From the findings of this study,
the authors recommend health providers to promote elderly health promotion behaviors in
all communities by identifying health promotion behaviors in other parts of the country, and
also designing suitable intervention programs based on effective factors on health promotion
behaviors of the elderly people.
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