Document Type : Original Article
- . Ladan Zarshenas
- . Shahla Momeni Danaei 1
- . Elham Mazarei 2
- . Hooman Zarif Najafi 3
- . Mahsa Shakour 4
1 Department of Orthodontics, Orthodontic Research Center
2 Department of Medical Education
3 Department of Orthodontics,Educational Research and Development Center, School of Dentistry, Shiraz
4 Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: The dental students, the same as other students, during their academic
courses are required to learn a wide range of scientific subjects. Obviously, choosing
the inappropriate method of study leads to confuse and disenchantment of students and
it causes wasting of their energy. The purpose of this study was to assess the existing
strengths and weaknesses of the skills and study habits in Dental Students of Shiraz
University of Medical Sciences in 2009‑10. Materials and Methods: In this cross‑sectional
study, all of the dental students (n = 274), who studied at the time of study at all levels in
the academic year of 2009‑10, were selected by the census. Data were collected by using
the Huston University questionnaire consisted of two parts of demographic questions
and 64 specific areas of study skills in eight domains of time management, concentration/
memory, study aids/note taking, test strategies, information processing, motivation,
self‑assessment/reading, and writing skills. Following the retranslation of the questionnaire,
the validity was confirmed by using the content validity method. The reliability was obtained
by using the Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.92. The data were analyzed with SPSS software
version 17 and using analytical statistic tests. Results: Students who have previously
participated in the study skills workshops had stronger skills in comparison with the
students who had not participated in these workshops. Time management skills (P = 0.04),
motivation (P = 0.0001) and information processing (P = 0.03) in students with professional
status were in a more favorable position and showed significant differences in terms of
educational levels. The study skills mean score of the students living in student housings
in comparison with the other students were significantly higher (P = 0.04). Marital status
showed no significant differences in reading skills. Conclusion and Recommendations:
The review of study skills in the undergraduate and post‑graduate dental students indicated
that the residents had higher reading skills.
By recognizing the existing strengths and
weaknesses and holding programs through
counseling centers can develop the study
skills in the students.
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