Document Type : Original Article
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Sciences and Research, Pondicherry, India
Background: Topics on environmental health are usually neglected by students and it is necessary
for them to learn this area with a public health perspective as environment plays a vital role in
multi‑factorial causation of diseases. Hence there is a need for alternative teaching/learning
methods to facilitate students in acquiring the required knowledge. Objectives: To increase the
student interest and enhance their participation in acquiring knowledge in public health perspective
of environmental health. Teaching Objectives/Learning Were: At the end of the session students
should know the importance of air as an environmental factor in disease causation in special
reference to public health hazards, the major sources of air pollution, major pollutants causing the
health hazards, the way to measure pollutants and control them. Materials and Methods: The
whole class of students was divided into two batches and one session was planned for each
batch. Each batch was divided into six small groups. The groups were given task of exploring
the internet on the different topics mentioned in the learning objectives. All the students were
asked to explore, compile information and collectively prepare a presentation and present their
findings based on their reviews. Students’ feedback was collected at the end of each session.
Results: Eighty five percent of them were clear about the learning objectives and interested about
internet learning. Most of them gave a positive opinion about the newer teaching learning method.
Conclusions: Internet assisted group study served as a valuable alternative, innovative, and
interesting tool to teach and learn the environmental health as revealed by students’ feedback.
council of India; 1997. Available from:
aspx. [Last accessed on 2012 Feb 01].
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