Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, International Branch

2 Department of Medical Education, Educational Development and Research Centre, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Objective: Learning by lecture is a passive experience. Many innovative techniques have been
presented to stimulate students to assume a more active attitude toward learning. In this study,
simultaneous sketch drawing, as an interactive learning technique was applied to teach anatomy
to the medical students. Materials and Methods: We reconstructed a fun interactive model of
teaching anatomy as simultaneous anatomic sketching. To test the model’s instruction effectiveness,
we conducted a quasi‑ experimental study and then the students were asked to write their learning
experiences in their portfolio, also their view was evaluated by a questionnaire. Results: The results
of portfolio evaluation revealed that students believed that this method leads to deep learning and
understanding anatomical subjects better. Evaluation of the students’ views on this teaching approach
was showed that, more than 80% of the students were agreed or completely agreed with this statement
that leaning anatomy concepts are easier and the class is less boring with this method. More than
60% of the students were agreed or completely agreed to sketch anatomical figures with professor
simultaneously. They also found the sketching make anatomy more attractive and it reduced the time
for learning anatomy. These number of students were agree or completely agree that the method help
them learning anatomical concept in anatomy laboratory. More than 80% of the students found the
simultaneous sketching is a good method for learning anatomy overall. Conclusion: Sketch drawing,
as an interactive learning technique, is an attractive for students to learn anatomy.


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