Document Type : Original Article
Introduction: Simultaneous with the rapid changes in the technology and information
systems, hospitals interest in using them. One of the most common systems in hospitals is
electronic medical record (EMR) whose one of uses is providing better health care quality via
health information technology. Prior to its use, attempts should be put to identifying factors
affecting the acceptance, attitude and utilizing of this technology. The current article aimed
to study the effective factors of EMR acceptance by technology acceptance model (TAM) at
central polyclinic of Oil Industry in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: This was a practical,
descriptive and regression study. The population research were all EMR users at polyclinic
of Oil Industry in 2012 and its sampling was simple random with 62 users. The tool of data
collection was a research‑made questionnaire based on TAM. The validity of questionnaire
has been assigned through the strategy of content validity and health information technology
experts’ views and its reliability by test‑retest. Findings: The system users have positive attitude
toward using EMR (56.6%). Also, users are not very satisfied with effective external (38.14%)
and behavioral factors (47.8%) upon using the system. Perceived ease‑of‑use (PEU) and
perceived usefulness (PU) were at a good level. Conclusion: Lack of relative satisfaction with
using of EMR derives from factors such as appearance, screen, data and information quality
and terminology. In this study, it is suggested to improve the system and the efficiency of the
users through software’ external factors development. So that PEU and users’ attitude to be
changed and moved in positive manner.
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