Document Type : Original Article
Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Background: The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel intelligent model for AIDS/HIV
data based on expert system and using it for developing an intelligent medical consulting
system for AIDS/HIV. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive research, 752 frequently asked
questions (FAQs) about AIDS/HIV are gathered from numerous websites about this disease. To
perform the data mining and extracting the intelligent model, the 6 stages of Crisp method has
been completed for FAQs. The 6 stages include: Business understanding, data understanding,
data preparation, modelling, evaluation and deployment. C5.0 Tree classification algorithm is
used for modelling. Also, rational unified process (RUP) is used to develop the web‑based
medical consulting software. Stages of RUP are as follows: Inception, elaboration, construction
and transition. The intelligent developed model has been used in the infrastructure of the
software and based on client’s inquiry and keywords related FAQs are displayed to the client,
according to the rank. FAQs’ ranks are gradually determined considering clients reading it.
Based on displayed FAQs, test and entertainment links are also displayed. Result: The accuracy
of the AIDS/HIV intelligent web‑based medical consulting system is estimated to be 78.76%.
Conclusion: AIDS/HIV medical consulting systems have been developed using intelligent
infrastructure. Being equipped with an intelligent model, providing consulting services on
systematic textual data and providing side services based on client’s activities causes the
implemented system to be unique. The research has been approved by Iranian Ministry of
Health and Medical Education for being practical.
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