Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Tehran University,
2 Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch
3 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: The present study was connected in order to evaluate the relationship between
biological, cognitive and psychosocial characteristics of mothers and the weight of infant at
the time of birth. Materials and Methods: In order to conduct this research a sample of 910
women among recently delivered mothers of Isfahan province in 2009 were selected. From
stratified sampling and cluster sampling according to the percentage of population in each of
the cities of Isfahan Province was used. The data was gathered with a questionnaire prepared
by the researcher in order to evaluate the biological cognitive and psychosocial characteristics
of mothers, in addition to the Enrich marital satisfaction test. After collecting data, the analysis of
the data was done with SPSS software in two categories of descriptive and inferential statistics
by using logistic regression model. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of low
weight infants was 9.5 percent and 38.7 percent of pregnancies was unwanted. Twenty‑nine
percent of mothers had marital dissatisfaction. 15/6 percent of pregnancies were below
20 years old and 22 percent was above of 35 years old. 38.9 percent of mothers were exposed
to cigarette smoke. The average of weight gain during pregnancies was 9 kilograms. Thirty
three percent of mothers had high blood pressure during pregnancy, 26.7 percent had history
of abortion and 31.9 percent had history of bleeding. 23/1percent of women was employed
during pregnancy, 19.8 percent gave twin birth and 21/1 percent of parents were relative of
each other, 29.7 percent of deliveries were done in cesarean way. Conclusion: The results
of this study showed that severe marital dissatisfaction, abnormal blood pressure during
pregnancy, being employed during pregnancy, weight gain less than 5 Kg during pregnancy,
pregnancy below the age of 20 can meaning fully increase the possibility of low birth weight in
infant (α=0.05). The results were consisting with the previous findings and indicated that some
of the applicable benefits of this research can be recording of information about each delivery
in the whole country with holding training
workshops of before and during pregnancy
skills by welfare organization.
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