Document Type : Original Article
Introduction: Teachers are one of the most influential groups in elevating social health, and their
teaching nutritional points to the students can both affect students’ awareness and the transferring
of such nutritional education to the families. This study was undertaken tosurvey the influence of
nutrition and nutritional health education on the awareness of female elementary school teachers.
Materials and Methods: Fifty‑seven female elementary school teachers were chosen from the
Ferdows City for this quasi‑experimental study. Prior to the outset of the educational workshop,
they were asked to fill out a questionnaire about nutrition and nutritional health, which was followed
by the two‑day workshop. After two months, they were given a second questionnaire. The results
were analyzed by paired t‑test, ANOVA, and McNemar. In all the tests, a significance level a = 0.05
was considered. Results: Findings of the study showed that the mean score of awareness before
interference was 10.98%, which reached up to 18.2% after the interference (P< 0.001). With regard
to theimportance of breakfast intake, the teachers’ awareness increased from 57.9 to 98.2% from
before to after intervention, respectively. Conclusion: Applying interventional methods of education
in teacher training centers in conjunction with medical and educational centers, with regard to
nutrition and nutritional health, can elevate the health of students.
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