Document Type : Original Article
1 Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan
2 Department of Microbiology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom,
3 Department of Disaster and Emergency Health, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: On account of the prevalence of psychoactive substances and drug abuse
and its diversity of forms and methods of use, along with the reduction in the age of
drug abuse, a continuing medical educationof physicians with these issues is necessary.
Although it is legally forbidden, most physicians have no close contact to these drugs,
and this is not effective for training, prevention and treatment of drug addiction. In this
regard, offering an educational tool is needed, if in close contact to these drugs. The ‘Nejat
Briefcase’ is a tool designed for the purpose of training and familiarization of psychoactive
substances and drugs. The aim of this study is to investigate the points of view of the
participants in the continuing medical education program, ‘Introduction to types of
psychoactive substances and drugs’ and about the Nejat Briefcase, in the Isfahan University
of Medical Sciences (IUMS). Materials and Methods: In this descriptive, cross‑sectional
study, all the general physicians (108 people) who participated in the continuing medical
education program, ‘Introducing types of psychoactive substances and drugs,’ in the
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), in 2012 – 2013, were considered. In this
program, in order to introduce various types of psychoactive substances and drugs to
the physicians, as well as acquaint them with their forms, methods of use, and prices,
the new educational tool (Nejat Briefcase), containing various types of psychoactive
substances and drugs and the related educational packages, such as, booklets and
brochures, was used. A researcher‑made, valid and reliable questionnaire was distributed
at the end of program to gather the participants’ points of view about the educational
program. Data was analyzed by the SPSS and t‑test and descriptive statistical tests.
Results and Discussion: The response rate to the questionnaire was 83%. Forty‑four
people (41%) were women and 64 (59%) were men. The mean total score of the participants’
points of view was 4/58 ± 0/45 (out of 5), which indicated the positive points of view of the
participants. Ninety‑seven people (90%) were satisfied with the program. Conclusions: On
account of the participants’ positive points of view on the Nejat Briefcase and their consent
to it, using varied and attractive educational tools for psychoactive substances and drug
training and producing tools similar to the
Nejat Briefcase are proposed.
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