Document Type : Original Article
Background: The worldwide concern for safety has created the need for new and effective
methods to improve safety in the workplace. This study was designed to determine the
effect of educational intervention based on Health Action Model on the safe behavior among
workers in Isfahan Steel Company. Materials and Methods: This study was designed as a
quasi‑experimental research with experimental and control groups with pre‑ and post‑ intervention
measurements. The experimental group received intervention based on the Health Action Model.
The control group did not receive any intervention except that they participated in the current
safety courses of the company. The sample size was 270 workers who were randomly selected
and divided into two groups: Experimental (n = 135) and control (n = 135). Data were collected
using a questionnaire and a checklist after and before the intervention and were analyzed. Based
on the distribution of variables, parametric (t‑test, paired t‑test) or nonparametric (Chi‑square,
Wilcoxon) tests were utilized to analyze data. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The results indicated that before intervention, the experimental and control groups
were similar in model structures. After intervention, the mean scores of knowledge, attitude, and
behaviors in relation to safety in the experimental group increased statistically significantly and
the observed difference in the control group was not significant. The results also indicated that
unsafe behaviors in the experimental group decreased following the educational intervention.
This difference also was not statistically significant in the control group. Conclusion: The results
showed that application of Health Action Model has an acceptable and positive influence on
promoting safe behaviors, knowledge, normative system, and facilitating factors among workers
in Isfahan Steel Company. It is, therefore, recommended that Health Action Model based
intervention be used for other and similar industries.
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