Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery
2 2 Department of Environmental Health, School of Health, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
Background: Peer learning is an educational process wherein someone of the same age or
level of experience level interacts with other students interested in the same topic. There is
limited evidence specifically focusing on the practical use of peer learning in Iran. The aim of
this study was to explore nursing students’ experiences of peer learning in clinical practice.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative content analysis was conducted. Focus groups were
used to find the students’ experiences about peer learning. Twenty‑eight baccalaureate nursing
students at Bushehr University of Medical Sciences were selected purposively, and were arranged
in four groups of seven students each. The focus group interviews were conducted using a
semi‑structured interview schedule. All interviews were tape‑recorded, transcribed verbatim,
and analyzed using conventional content analysis method. Results: The analysis identified
four themes: Paradoxical dualism, peer exploitation, first learning efficacy, and socialization
practice. Gained advantages and perceived disadvantages created paradoxical dualism, and
peer exploitation resulted from peer selection and peer training. Conclusion: Nursing students
reported general satisfaction concerning peer learning due to much more in‑depth learning
with little stress than conventional learning methods. Peer learning is a useful method for
nursing students for practicing educational leadership and learning the clinical skills before
they get a job.
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