Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Nursing, School of Medicine, Tarbiat Modarres University
2 Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most serious health concerns and policy agendas around the
world. Epidemiological evidence suggests that it will likely continue to increase globally.
Diabetes is strongly associated with the patients’ unhealthy lifestyle and behavioral patterns
and socio-economic changes. New model of thinking is required to recognize whether the
patients are in control of and responsible for the daily self-management of diabetes. Such a
new approach should be based on ‘empowerment and involvement’ to be more applicable
to daily activities in diabetic patients. Rapid changes toward patient empowerment and
increasing involvement of patients in their care plan indicate more emphasis on disease
prevention and health promotion and education than on mere disease and its treatment.
Such changes make a step toward pervasive sense of responsibility among patients
about their illness for their daily activities. Using the empowerment approach, healthcare
professionals would help patients make informed decisions in accordance with their particular
circumstances. Patient empowerment implies a patient-centered, collaborative approach
that helps patients determine and develop the inherent capacity to be responsible for their
own life. Empowerment is something more than certain health behaviors. Empowerment
is more than an intervention, technique or strategy. It is rather a vision that helps people
change their behavior and make decisions about their health care. It has the potential to
improve the overall health and well-being of individuals and communities, and to change
the socio-environmental factors that cause poor health conditions. The main concept of this
change is the tendency to change.
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