Document Type : Original Article


Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Khorasgan (Isfahan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Heart transplantation is considered as a golden standard of treatment for
advanced heart failure. After ‑ transplantation health of patients is influenced by numerous
issues which many of them are unknown to the treatment team including nurses. This
research ‑ with the aim of describing the life experiences of heart transplant patients ‑ help us
to get close to the patients private life and gain comprehensive and a general understanding of
all aspects of their life. Methods: This study applied qualitative approach using phenomenology
method. The purposive sampling was conducted and continued with 9 participants until
information reached saturation point. The participants are the heart transplant recipients who
had surgery in Esfahan’s Heart Surgery Center of Shahid Chamran. Results: The extracted
interviews were analyzed through Colaizzi method: The eleven extracted main concepts were
included: Belief, tendencies of the recipient and family of donor, bewilderment, moment of
facing with transplantation, satisfaction, vital organ, support, temperament, physical effects of
transplantation, mental changes, paradox of life and death. Conclusion: In heart transplant
patients, being in touch with peers and family support have an important role in putting up with
the transplantation issue. Lack of social situation and social support were among the patients
distresses. Lack of the necessary information about transplantation made patients dissatisfied
with the heart transplantation. Regarding the research findings, training received by patients
would not be suffice and lack of information has been made them face with problems; therefore,
the nurse team of transplantation should play more an active role in training the patients.


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