Document Type : Original Article
MS Ramaiah Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru, India
Background: There is general lack of knowledge concerning the sings, symptoms, and risk
factors of oral cancer in the general population, particularly among tobacco users. A challenging
measure for the health care professions is to improve patients’ knowledge about the causes
and signs of oral cancer and, more importantly, to modify their health behaviors. The most
frequent approach used to achieve this is production of leaflet. The aim of this study was to
outline and carry out the steps involved in the production of information leaflet for tobacco
users and its evaluation. Materials and Methods: The existing materials on tobacco and its ill
effects were reviewed. Leaflets were prepared based on the European Commission Guidelines
for patient information leaflet and information packages. Subject experts reviewed the content
of leaflet. Content validity was checked using Lawshe method. Reliability was checked using
Flesch formula. Results: Content Validity Ratio (CVR) value was 0.99, which was acceptable.
The reliability of the final wording of the leaflet was 80, which was classified as “fairly ease.”
Conclusion: The leaflet could be used as a health education aid to motivate tobacco users
to quit tobacco use.
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