Document Type : Original Article


Department of Medical Records Education and Health Information Management, Health Management and Economics Research Centre, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Sensitivity of teaching and learning processes in universities emphasizes
the necessity of assessment of the quality of education which improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of the country. This study was conducted with an aim to review and develop the
evaluation criteria of health information technology course at Master of Science level in Tehran,
Shahid Beheshti, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Kashan medical universities in 2012 by using CIPP model.
Materials and Methods: This was an applied and descriptive research with statistical population
of faculty members (23), students (97), directorates (5), and library staff (5), with a total of
130 people, and sampling was done as a census. In order to collect data, four questionnaires
were used based on Likert scale with scores ranging from 1 to 5. Questionnaires’ validity was
confirmed by consulting with health information technology and educational evaluation experts,
and questionnaires’ reliability of directorates, faculty, students, and library staff was tested using
the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient formula, which gave r = 0.74, r = 0.93, r = 0.98, and r = 0.80,
respectively. SPSS software for data analysis and both descriptive and inferential statistics
containing mean, frequency percentage, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, and Spearman
correlation were used. Results: With studies from various sources, commentary of experts, and
based on the CIPP evaluation model, 139 indicators were determined and then evaluated, which
were associated with this course based on the three factors of context, input, and process in the
areas of human resources professional, academic services, students, directors, faculty, curriculum,
budget, facilities, teaching–learning activities, and scientific research activities of students and
faculty, and the activities of the library staff. Conclusion: This study showed that in total, the
health information technology course at the Master of Science level is relatively good, but trying
to improve and correct it in some areas and continuing the evaluation process seems necessary.


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