1 Department of Psychology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
2 Maui County Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition, Maui, HI, USA
CONTEXT: The Maui Worksite Wellness Policy Initiative was evaluated utilizing a baseline and
follow‑up study to improve the prevalence and awareness of worksite wellness for Maui employers
following the Maui Worksite Wellness Summit intervention.
AIMS: To evaluate a worksite wellness intervention.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Worksites that attended the Maui Worksite Wellness Summit with a
pre‑ and post‑test design.
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Worksite characteristics and worksite wellness
components (infrastructure, physical activity, and nutrition) were measured using a Likert‑scale survey.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare
the pre‑ and post‑tests.
RESULTS: The baseline sample was comprised of 9 businesses, and the number of full‑time
employees ranged from 3 to 715; the follow‑up sample was comprised of 7 businesses, and the
number of full‑time employees ranged from 3 to 750. Results indicated that majority (71.43%) of
worksites improved their worksite wellness policies, 85.71% improved their infrastructure, 71.43%
increased their support for physical activity policies, and 57.14% improved their support for nutrition
policies after the Maui worksite wellness summit.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on this study, future efforts should comprise of a larger sample, more
rigorous methodology, and longer duration.
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