Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical Record Office, Farabi Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,

2 Department of Statistics, University of Isfahan,

3 Department of Chancellery’s, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

4 Department of Management, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, London, UK


INTRODUCTION: Hospital care transformation plan (HCTP) was implemented, in 2014, with the aim
of ensuring all Iranians have fair access to hospital care, mainly in the public sector. It was assumed
that HCTP would lead to increased quality and effectiveness of health care in public hospitals. To
explore whether HCTP has achieved its aim, this study has investigated the impact of this plan on
performance indicators (PIs) of the public hospitals.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross‑sectional descriptive study was conducted in 2016. The
study population included all hospitals in the Isfahan City. Data (10 selected PIs) were collected
through formal reports which were available at the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and
analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 17). The statistical significant level
analysis was 0.05.
RESULTS: After HCTP, it was shown an increase of (1) Bed occupancy, bed turnover, occupied
bed‑days, inpatients visits, and number of surgeries in all types of hospitals, (2) Outpatients’ visits in
all hospitals except private ones, (3) Emergency visits in public and social security hospitals, and (4)
Natural deliveries in public and semi‑public hospitals. Furthermore, the average length of stay and
hospital mortality rate has decreased in all types of hospitals after HCTP implementation.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although, improving PIs of hospitals were not directly stated
and known objectives of HCTP implementation, it seems HCTP could improve the performance of
all hospitals, including involved and noninvolved ones.


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