- . Vardhaman Mulchand Jain
- . Gundabaktha Nagappa Karibasappa
- . Arun Suresh Dodamani
- . Gaurao Vasant Mali
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Ajeenkya DY Patil Dental School, Pune, Maharashtra, India
BACKGROUND: Due to consumption of various forms of tobacco in large amounts by Indian
population, it has become a cause of concern for major oral diseases. In 2008, the WHO named
tobacco as the world’s single greatest cause of preventable death. It is also known that certain amount
of carbohydrates are incorporated in processed tobacco to make it acceptable for consumption. Thus,
its role in oral diseases becomes an important question at this point of time. Through this study, it is
attempted to find out the carbohydrate content of various forms of tobacco by phenol‑sulfuric acid
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tobacco products selected for the study were Nandi hookah
tambakhu (A), photo brand budhaa Punjabi snuff (B), Miraj (C), Gai‑chhap tambakhu (D),
Hanuman‑chhap Pandharpuri tambakhu (E), and Hathi‑chhap Bidi (F). The samples were decoded
and transported to laboratory and tested at various concentrations by phenol‑sulfuric acid method
followed by ultraviolet spectrophotometry to determine their absorbance.
RESULTS: The present study showed Hathi‑chhap bidi/sample F had a maximum absorbance (1.995)
at 10 µg/ml which is a smoking form of tobacco followed by rest all smokeless forms of tobacco,
i.e. sample C (0.452), sample B (0.253), sample D (0.077), sample E (−0.018), and sample A (−0.127),
CONCLUSION: As the concentration of tobacco sample increases, their absorbance increases
which in turn is suggestive of increase in its carbohydrate concentration. Carbohydrates in the form
of sugars, either inherently present or added in it during manufacturing can serve as a risk factor for
higher incidence of dental caries.
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