Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Forensic Medicine Research Center, Isfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University,Isfahan


BACKGROUND: Drug abuse influences the quality of life significantly. Thus, the present study is
designed to compare the quality of life of adolescents and young adults who have voluntarily referred
to addiction treatment centers at different time slots of upon admission, and 1, 4, and 8 months after
maintenance therapy.
METHODS: The present paper is a longitudinal study on 141 of adolescents and young adults who
had referred to various addiction treatment centers throughout Isfahan voluntarily. The population
was selected through convenience sampling method and 137 of adolescents and young adults
continued the research until the end. The results were analyzed using descriptive and analytic
statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation, repeated measure test, and post‑hoc test) in SPSS 17.
RESULTS: Results showed that the average of quality of life total score was sequential and not the
same in the 4 times slots under study. The total quality of life score upon admission was significantly
different from 1, 4, and 8 months after maintenance treatment. However, quality of life at 1‑month
was not significantly different to that at 4 and 8 months after the treatment; quality of life at 4 months
after the treatment was not significantly different to that at 8 months after.
DISCUSSION: According to the present study, it can be concluded that the quality of life of adolescents
and young adults referring to addiction treatment centers increases 1‑month after the treatment;
nevertheless, it is worth to note that the degree of quality of life increase in 4 and 8 months after the
treatment is not as much as that in 1‑month after the treatment.


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