

INTRODUCTION: Clinical evaluation is very important in the educational system of nursing. One
of the most common methods of clinical evaluation is evaluation by the teacher, but the challenges
that students would face in this evaluation method, have not been mentioned. Thus, this study aimed
to explore the experiences and views of nursing students about the challenges of teacher‑based
clinical evaluation.
METHODS: This study was a descriptive qualitative study with a qualitative content analysis approach.
Data were gathered through semi‑structured focused group sessions with undergraduate nursing
students who were passing their 8th semester at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Date
were analyzed using Graneheim and Lundman’s proposed method. Data collection and analysis
were concurrent.
RESULTS: According to the findings, “factitious evaluation” was the main theme of study that
consisted of three categories: “Personal preferences,” “unfairness” and “shirking responsibility.”
These categories are explained using quotes derived from the data.
CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, teacher‑based clinical evaluation would lead
to factitious evaluation. Thus, changing this approach of evaluation toward modern methods of
evaluation is suggested. The finding can help nursing instructors to get a better understanding of
the nursing students’ point of view toward this evaluation approach and as a result could be planning
for changing of this approach.


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