
1 Health Information Management Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan


CONTEXT: Disaster patient tracking consists of identifying and registering patients, recording data
on their medical conditions, settings priorities for evacuation of scene, locating the patients from
scene to health care centers and then till completion of treatment and discharge.
AIM: The aim of this study was to design a model of patient tracking system for natural disaster in Iran.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This applied study was conducted in two steps in 2016. First, data
on disaster patient tracking systems used in selected countries were collected from library-printed
and electronic references and then compared. Next, a preliminary model of disaster patient tracking
system was provided using these systems and validated by Delphi technique and focus group. The
data of the fi rst step were analyzed by content analysis and those of the second step by descriptive
RESULTS: Analysis of the comments of key information persons in three Delphi rounds, consisting
of national experts, yielded three themes, i.e., content, function, and technology, ten subthemes,
and 127 components, with consensus rate of over 75%, to provide a disaster patient tracking system
for Iran.
CONCLUSION: In Iran, there is no comprehensive process to manage the data on disaster patients.
Offering a patient tracking system can be considered a humanitarian and effective measure to promote
the process of identifying, caring for, evacuating, and transferring patients as well as documenting
and following up their medical and location conditions from scene till completion of the treatment.


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