Cardiovascular Intervention Research Center, Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
BACKGROUND: Prevalence of hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes is two to three times
more than nondiabetic patients. This study aimed at assessing the impacts of an educational program
based on BASNEF Model on blood pressure modification among diabetic patients with hypertension.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited in an
educational intervention study among two groups. The intervention group attended a 3‑month
self‑care educational program regarding hypertension control in addition to the regular care presented
for both the groups. Another group received no extra program except regular treatment. To collect
information about demographic characteristics, type 2 diabetes‑related variables, and BASNEF Model
construct items, a self‑designed questionnaire was utilized. Data analyzed by SPSS version 16 using
Chi‑square, independent t‑test, and paired t‑test.
RESULTS: Knowledge, behavioral beliefs, attitude to action, enabling factors, subjective norms, and
practice were significantly higher in intervention group as compared to the controls (P< 0.001). In addition,
blood pressure revealed significant differences in intervention group before and after program using paired
t‑test (P= 0.001) while in the control group, there was no significant difference in blood pressure (P= 0.54).
DISCUSSION: The study results revealed a significant change in blood pressure and model constructs
in intervention group compared to control. This research suggested intervention program based on
BASNEF Model has essentially effectiveness in blood pressure modification among diabetic patients.
CONCLUSION: BASNEF Model has effectiveness to high blood modification among diabetic patients
with hypertension.
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