- . Masoumeh Kordi
- . Fatemeh Erfanian
- . Farzaneh Rashidi Fakari 1
- . Fatemeh Dastfan 2
- . Keivan Shariati Nejad 3
1 Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
2 Departments of Therapy , Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
3 Departments of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Shoulder dystocia is one of the obstetric emergencies that are accompanied to
serious risks for mother and fetus. It necessitates making the method of training of shoulder dystocia
management more efficient, i.e., better management and giving services with higher quality. Thus,
this study was carried out to compare the impact of training by simulation and oral technique on
the skill of the employed midwives in obstetric clinics at Mashhad city (Iran) in shoulder dystocia
management during 2012.
METHODS: The current research is a double‑group clinical trial that was conducted on 51 members of
the employed midwives in the obstetric clinic at Mashhad city in 2012. The questionnaire of personal
specification and awareness about shoulder dystocia and practical examination (objective‑structured
clinical examination) were employed as tools for data collection. The learners were divided into two
groups by randomized allocation. Training was done by the presentation of lecture in the oral content
group and a short movie was displayed at the end of it. The shoulder dystocia management technique
was simulated in another group and through role‑playing of instructor application of moulage (station)
training was conducted. The period of the training course (4 h) and content of the educational
workshop was identical for both groups. The practical examination was held for the learners
before and immediately after training course. The given data were analyzed by means of statistical
descriptive tests including Mann–Whitney U‑test and Wilcoxon test via SPSS software (version 16).
The significance level was considered as (P < 0.05) in all cases.
RESULTS: The total mean score was significantly increased for the variable of shoulder
dystocia management skill after intervention in both groups (P < 0.0001). Similarly, the results of
Mann–Whitney U‑test statistical tests indicated that total mean score for the variable of shoulder
dystocia management skill after the intervention was significantly greater in simulation group than
in an oral group (P = 0.040).
CONCLUSION: Training in simulated delivery room by means of role‑playing is an efficient method
for training shoulder dystocia management skill, so it is recommended to use this program in the
training of this skill.
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