
Health Information Technology Department, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran


OBJECTIVE: Cancer is one of the most preventable and common chronic diseases that have
economic, social and psychological burden for patients, families, and the society. Cancer can be
monitored by new information technology. Digital games as a uniquely powerful interaction tool
support optimal care management program operation in all dimensions. The aim of this review article
is to describe opportunities and challenges of this new modern technology on the delivery of cancer
care services in cancer management domains for cancer care improvement.
METHODS: This study was un‑systematic (narrative) review article. In this research, 50 full‑text
papers and reports had been retrieved, studied exactly, and arranged based on study aims. We
searched papers based on specific and relevant keywords in research databases including PubMed,
ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Google scholar.
CONCLUSION: In cancer management domain, digital games are as an effective medium for
health education and intervention, disease self‑management training, attention distraction to relieve
pain, enhance clinical outcomes, improvements in lifestyles, and physical and psychosocial activity
promotion when active participation and behavior rehearsal are required for cancer patient. In spite
of potential benefits of new technology, sometimes people confront various challenges such as
social isolation, unusual anxiety, and disorder in physiological times of body, low physical activities,
decrease academic performance, increase aggressive behavior, and physical pain. These problems
can be partly overcome by proper planning, good design, and usage of suitable and continuous


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