Document Type : Original Article
1 Dental Students’ Research Center, School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
2 Private Practice, Isfahan, Iran
INTRODUCTION: White spot lesions (WSLs) are common adverse effect of orthodontic treatment,
which can be prevented and treated by orthodontists. This study was conducted to assess Iranian
orthodontists’ practice regarding the prevention and treatment of WSLs in their patients.
METHODS: In this cross‑sectional study, 109 Iranian orthodontists were selected from the Iranian
Association of Orthodontists’ directory by cluster sampling. For data collection, a questionnaire was
designed and its validity and reliability was confirmed (Cronbach’s α =0.85). The questionnaire
included eight general questions and eight questions about practice with regard to the prevention
and treatment of WSL. Data were analyzed by descriptive tests, ANOVA test, and t‑test in SPSS 20
software. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
RESULTS: The mean score of orthodontists’ practice was 7.62 (range: 0–8), and 94.4% of the
participants were rated as good, while 3.7% and 1.9% were rated as moderate and weak, respectively.
Women’s score was significantly higher than that of men (P = 0.001). With increasing participants’
age, their practice has been improved (P = 0.001), but there was no significant relation between years
of experience and their practice (P = 0.230). Nearly 94.4% of the orthodontists prescribed fluoride
products. Toothpastes and fluoride mouth rinses were the most common prescribed products (34%).
CONCLUSIONS: With regard to Iranian orthodontists’ practice, it was fortunate to note that majority
of the respondents were taking care of their patients with regarding to the prevention and treatment
of WSLs. For enhancing their competencies, it is recommended to plan educational courses which
are useful for promoting their knowledge and practice about new products and procedures used for
the prevention and treatment of WSLs.
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