. Gholamreza Kheirabadi; . Mehrnoosh Shirani; . Mahrokh Keshvari; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Mahboobe Bahrami
Volume 11, Issue 11 , December 2021, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Increasing in elderly’s population and their individual and social problems especiallymental health problem in this group need special attention. The aim of this study ...
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BACKGROUND: Increasing in elderly’s population and their individual and social problems especiallymental health problem in this group need special attention. The aim of this study was evaluationof health promotion behaviors training program efficacy on general health components in elderliesreferring to health centers in Isfahan city.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a tri phasic field trial in 2014 in which 72 elderliesallocated randomly in two case and control groups. Case group participated in 9 training sessions onstress management and interpersonal relationships and the control group participated in 2 sessionswith a neutral discussion content. Data collection tools were demographic information questionnaireand general health questionnaire 28. Pretest, posttest, and 2‑month follow‑up were performed intwo groups. Data were analyzed by t‑test, analysis of variance with repeated measurement, leastsignificant difference post hoc test, and SPSS 20 software.RESULTS: Findings of this study showed that the average of general health score in case andcontrol groups had not significant difference before the intervention (P > 0.05). However, the meandifference of general health score after intervention and 2‑month follow‑up was statistically significantin two groups (P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that interpersonal relationship and stress management trainingprogram are effective on promotion of mental health in elderlies. Hence, the findings of this studycan be used in the field of treatment and care of the elderly by other health‑care categories.