Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Designing unified trans‑diagnostic interventions and their efficacy on the common mechanisms of the comorbid obsessive personality disorder with anxiety, depression, and obsessive‑compulsive disorder: A protocol study
Designing unified trans‑diagnostic interventions and their efficacy on the common mechanisms of the comorbid obsessive personality disorder with anxiety, depression, and obsessive‑compulsive disorder: A protocol study

. Amin Zirakbash; . Farah Naderi; . Fatemeh Sadat Marashian; . Behnam Makvandi

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: The immense comorbidity among disorders could be ascribed to commontrans‑diagnostic processes. The term trans‑diagnostic has been of interest in both pathologyand psychology. ...  Read More
Impact of social media on mental health of the general population during Covid‑19 pandemic: A systematic review
Impact of social media on mental health of the general population during Covid‑19 pandemic: A systematic review

. Uma Phalswal; . Vani Pujari; . Rasmita Sethi; . Ranjana Verma

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-12

  During the COVID‑19 pandemic, people are using social media more than usual routine because theyrely on online sources to seek health information for themselves and their loved ones. ...  Read More
Investigate the role of positive and negative memories from dentistry in the anxiety of dental patients in Kerman, Iran
Investigate the role of positive and negative memories from dentistry in the anxiety of dental patients in Kerman, Iran

Maryam Alsadat Hashemipour; Farideh Mohammadi; Homa Kamyabi

Volume 12, Issue 11 , December 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND AND AIM: Several research works show that anxiety is more common in women,low‑income classes, and middle‑aged and elderly populations. The present study aimed to investigatethe ...  Read More
The effect of education based on the health belief model in improving anxiety among mothers of infants with retinopathy of prematurity
The effect of education based on the health belief model in improving anxiety among mothers of infants with retinopathy of prematurity

. Azam Salehnezhad; . Hamidreza Zendetalab; . Shoeibi Naser; . Hamidreza Behnam Voshni; . Mojtaba Abrishami; . Mohmmadreza Ansari Astaneh; . Belin Tavakkoli Sani; Zahra Emami Moghadam

Volume 12, Issue 11 , December 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Due to the role of education in improving anxiety and essential skills of mothersfor caring for their infants, this study aimed to investigate the effect of education based ...  Read More
The effect of COVID‑19 restrictions on sleep quality of university students and variables predicting sleep quality
The effect of COVID‑19 restrictions on sleep quality of university students and variables predicting sleep quality

. Arzu Bulut; . Halil Sengul; . Yeter Demir Uslu; . Kazım Bas; . Nurperihan Tosun

Volume 12, Issue 11 , December 2022, , Pages 1-9

  BACKGROUND/AIM: The COVID‑19 pandemic has created a long period of stress for peopleworldwide and has significantly affected sleep duration. The pandemic revealed new stress factorsthat ...  Read More
Agreement for diagnosis of depression and anxiety between self‑assessment with e‑questionnaire and psychiatric telephone interview among post‑COVID‑19 patients
Agreement for diagnosis of depression and anxiety between self‑assessment with e‑questionnaire and psychiatric telephone interview among post‑COVID‑19 patients

. Shahrzad Mazhari; . Abdolreza Sabah; . Hoda Gilanipour; . Sareh Keshvardoost

Volume 12, Issue 11 , December 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety, are common amongindividuals who have experienced coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19); however, diagnosis maybe ...  Read More
Knowledge, Anxiety, and practice during the COVID‑19 crisis among HCWs in Saudi Arabia
Knowledge, Anxiety, and practice during the COVID‑19 crisis among HCWs in Saudi Arabia

. Salah Alshagrawi; . Sultan Alhowti

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: The rapid and widespread of COVID‑19 has caused distress and havoc amongpeople in all walks of life. Such impact has been more pronounced among HCWs. We sought toexamine ...  Read More
Coping strategy with coronavirus disease‑2019 health anxiety in nursing students
Coping strategy with coronavirus disease‑2019 health anxiety in nursing students

. Raziyeh Ghafouri; . Arezoo Qadimi; . Hosna Karami Khomaam

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: The high prevalence of coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) has a lot of stress onmedical students. This study was conducted to investigating the adaptation strategy ...  Read More
Competency‑based medical education (CBME) curriculum and its effect on prevalence of anxiety, depression and stress amongst medical undergraduates
Competency‑based medical education (CBME) curriculum and its effect on prevalence of anxiety, depression and stress amongst medical undergraduates

. Ashish Goel; . Yashendra Sethi; . Arsalan Moinuddin; . Desh Deepak; . Priyanka Gupta

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: A growing body of literature now identifies higher levels of anxiety, depression, andstress among medical students as a distinct mental health domain. The competency‑based ...  Read More
Development and implementation of anxiety management program for women under gynecological surgery with spinal anesthesia: Protocol of action research study
Development and implementation of anxiety management program for women under gynecological surgery with spinal anesthesia: Protocol of action research study

. Solmaz Halakou; . Homeira Khoddam; . Nasrin Nikpeyma; . Mahnaz Modanloo

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Anxiety is the most common health problem and the second leading cause ofdisability worldwide. Patients undergoing surgery often experience anxiety. It is necessary to useappropriate ...  Read More
Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among private medical college students in South India: A cross‑sectional study
Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among private medical college students in South India: A cross‑sectional study

. Sangeetha Raja; . Gayathri Balasubramanian; . Jamuna Rani R

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: Medical education is competitive across the globe. The long duration of the medicaland paramedical courses and exposure to clinical settings potentially causes mental health ...  Read More
Comparison of the effect of two educational methods based on mindfulness and cognitive emotion strategies on psychological well‑being and anxiety of eighth‑semester midwifery students before the final clinical trial
Comparison of the effect of two educational methods based on mindfulness and cognitive emotion strategies on psychological well‑being and anxiety of eighth‑semester midwifery students before the final clinical trial

. Mahnaz Noroozi; . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi

Volume 12, Issue 8 , September 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Midwifery services help maintain and improve the health of the community. However,a comprehensive examination reduces students’ psychological well‑being by creating ...  Read More
Online versus face‑to‑face metacognitive educational counseling program on anxiety and meta‑worry in women with a history of miscarriage: A randomized clinical trial
Online versus face‑to‑face metacognitive educational counseling program on anxiety and meta‑worry in women with a history of miscarriage: A randomized clinical trial

. Mina Ghiasi Shahamabadi; . Tahmineh Farajkhoda; . Hassan Zareei Mahmoodabadi

Volume 12, Issue 7 , August 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: In the COVID‑19 outbreak, women with a history of miscarriage need more mentalhealth. Anxiety and meta‑worry as consequences of miscarriage, besides concerns due to ...  Read More
The effect of group logotherapy on spirituality and preoperative anxiety in patients seeking open heart surgery referring to Tehran Heart Center in 2020
The effect of group logotherapy on spirituality and preoperative anxiety in patients seeking open heart surgery referring to Tehran Heart Center in 2020

. Fatemehsadat Alavi; . Seyed Hossein Ahmadi Tafti; . Farshid Alaeddini; . Zainab Ebrahimyan; . Atieh Ebrahimyan; . Morteza Mansourian

Volume 12, Issue 6 , July 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Most patients experience anxiety before heart surgery. On the other hand, spiritual health can improve the candidate patient’s adaptation to surgery. ...  Read More
Assessment of the psychological impact of COVID‑19 pandemic on undergraduate medical students in India
Assessment of the psychological impact of COVID‑19 pandemic on undergraduate medical students in India

. Amit Kumar Shreevastava; . Manisha Mavai; . Pragati Sheel Mittal; . Ranjana Verma; . Daljit Kaur; . Bharti Bhandari

Volume 12, Issue 6 , July 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Medical students who are prone to psychological stress due to their overburdened curriculum, are at an increased risk of getting adversely affected by the pandemic. ...  Read More
Individual counseling in mothers bereaved by pregnancy loss: A randomized clinical trial
Individual counseling in mothers bereaved by pregnancy loss: A randomized clinical trial

. Mahmonir Haghighi; . Khatereh Oladbaniadam; . Hamideh Mohaddesi; . Javad Rasuli

Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: The loss of a pregnancy can result in grief, guilt, self‑doubt, anxiety, andpost‑traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Considering the side effects mentioned for mental ...  Read More
Investigating the effectiveness of psychological interventions in response to stress, anxiety, and depression in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: A systematic review
Investigating the effectiveness of psychological interventions in response to stress, anxiety, and depression in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: A systematic review

. Fatemeh Rahmati; . Robabe Khalili

Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-8

  Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has caused different kinds of psychological consequences.Identifying and providing psychological plans and protocols can be effective in promoting ...  Read More
Impact of internet addiction during COVID‑19 on anxiety and sleep quality among college students of Bhubaneswar city
Impact of internet addiction during COVID‑19 on anxiety and sleep quality among college students of Bhubaneswar city

. Gunjan Kumar; . Payal Dash; . Avinash Jnaneswa; . Vinay Suresan; . Kunal Jha; . Shishirendu Ghosal

Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-13

  BACKGROUND: COVID‑19 initiated in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and over a period oftime, the infection outspread across the world in a rapid pace. To protect the people and to furtherlimit ...  Read More
Effect of video games on preoperative anxiety in 3‑ to‑6‑year‑old of a sample of Iranian children undergoing elective surgery
Effect of video games on preoperative anxiety in 3‑ to‑6‑year‑old of a sample of Iranian children undergoing elective surgery

. Elham Rostami; . Sedigheh Khanjari; . Hamid Haghani; . Houshang Amirian

Volume 12, Issue 4 , April 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: As pediatric surgeries are rising and current methods to reduce perioperative anxiety are lacking in preschool children. The purpose of this study was to determine ...  Read More
Physical activity patterns of university students during the COVID‑19 pandemic: The impact of state anxiety
Physical activity patterns of university students during the COVID‑19 pandemic: The impact of state anxiety

. Youssra Amekran; . Abdelkader Jalil El Hangouche

Volume 12, Issue 4 , April 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) and resulting restrictions have impacted populations’ lifestyles and posed a challenge regarding their behaviors, including physical activity ...  Read More
Comparison of the effect of in vitro and in vivo exposure on cadaveric anxiety among first year medical and nursing students
Comparison of the effect of in vitro and in vivo exposure on cadaveric anxiety among first year medical and nursing students

. Xavier Belsiyal. C; . Ankit Srivastav; . Sukanya Ray; . M. Krishna Prasad; . Abhijit P. Pakhare; . Bertha A. D. Rathinam

Volume 12, Issue 3 , March 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Human anatomy instruction is mostly focused on cadaver dissection and prosected specimen examination. Exposure to cadaver dissection can be a stressful experience that ...  Read More
Stress level of dentists during COVID‑19 pandemic in hot spots of Tamil Nadu: A cross‑sectional study
Stress level of dentists during COVID‑19 pandemic in hot spots of Tamil Nadu: A cross‑sectional study

. S. Sushanthi; . M. Indumathy; . Arthi Balasubramaniam

Volume 12, Issue 3 , March 2022, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: The novel 2019 COVID‑19 spreads by respiratory and aerosols, and this elevates the risk of dentistry during this pandemic. Widespread disease, in a short time, creates ...  Read More
Assessment of educational intervention and Acupressure during labor on the mother’s anxiety level and arterial oxygen pressure of the umbilical cord of infants (PO2). A randomized controlled clinical Trial
Assessment of educational intervention and Acupressure during labor on the mother’s anxiety level and arterial oxygen pressure of the umbilical cord of infants (PO2). A randomized controlled clinical Trial

. Zahra Masoudi; . Maryam Kasraeian; . Marzieh Akbarzadeh

Volume 12, Issue 3 , March 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Natural delivery is distressing, and the mother’s anxiety in this condition can have negative impacts on the fetus, mother, and the delivery process. Hence, many ...  Read More
The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among high school adolescent’s children in public and private schools in Rangareddy district Telangana state: A cross‑sectional study
The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among high school adolescent’s children in public and private schools in Rangareddy district Telangana state: A cross‑sectional study

. Kranthi Kumar R; . Aruna G; . Nandini Biradar; . Kola Srikanth Reddy; . Soubhagya M; . Sushma SA

Volume 12, Issue 3 , March 2022, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: The depression, anxiety, and stress is a major educational problem among students all around the world. The purposes of this study were to determine the depression, ...  Read More
The effect of counseling based on acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety, depression, and quality of life among female adolescent students
The effect of counseling based on acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety, depression, and quality of life among female adolescent students

. Sayeh Shiri; . Azizeh Farshbaf‑Khalili; . Khalil Esmaeilpour; . Niloofar Sattarzadeh

Volume 12, Issue 2 , February 2022, , Pages 1-10

  BACKGROUND: Adolescence is a stressful time period. Adolescents experience new changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. The purpose of this study was to determine ...  Read More