Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Benefits of simulation‑based education in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review
Benefits of simulation‑based education in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review

. Shandiz Moslehi; . Gholamreza Masoumi; . Fahimeh Barghi-Shirazi

Volume 12, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 1-10

  BACKGROUND: The emergency department is one of the most important parts of all hospitals. Forthis reason, many simulation programs are performed in this department to increase the knowledge,skills, ...  Read More
The effect of motivational interviewing‑based training on the rate of using mental health services and intensity of suicidal ideation in individuals with suicide attempt admitted to the emergency department
The effect of motivational interviewing‑based training on the rate of using mental health services and intensity of suicidal ideation in individuals with suicide attempt admitted to the emergency department

. Zohreh Sedghy; . Naser Yoosefi; . Ali Navidian

Volume 10, Issue 9 , September 2020, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Unless mental health care is provided to suicide attemptersafter discharge from the emergency department, suicide prevention opportunities may be lost. Thepurpose ...  Read More
Status, role, and performance of emergency medicine specialists in Iran: A qualitative study
Status, role, and performance of emergency medicine specialists in Iran: A qualitative study

. Hamid Ravaghi; . Ali Nasiri; . Afsaneh Takbiri; . Samaneh Heidari

Volume 10, Issue 8 , August 2020, , Pages 1-8

  INTRODUCTION: The performance of the emergency department (ED) as one of the main parts ofhospitals, have a great impact on the performance of the whole‑hospital. In Iran, the official ...  Read More
Transformation in the Iran health‑care system: Has the performance of hospital emergency department been improved?
Transformation in the Iran health‑care system: Has the performance of hospital emergency department been improved?

. Sogand Tourani; . Haleh Mousavi Isfahani; . Edris Kakemam; . Samira Alirezaei; . Ahmad Moosavi; . Mohammad Mohseni

Volume 9, Issue 4 , April 2019, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: To respond to the growing expectations of the public and to meet the needs of thesociety, health systems have always tried to improve their performance. This study investigatedthe ...  Read More
Exploring the reasons for theory‑practice gap in emergency nursing education: A qualitative research
Exploring the reasons for theory‑practice gap in emergency nursing education: A qualitative research

. Shima Safazadeh; . Alireza Irajpour; . Nasrollah Alimohammadi; . Fariba Haghani

Volume 8, Issue 10 , October 2018, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Nursing is a scientific profession, based on theory and art of care. However, thetheory‑practice gap has become the biggest challenge of this profession and decreases ...  Read More