Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The effect of cognitive–behavioral counseling of pregnant women with the presence of a spouse on stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression
The effect of cognitive–behavioral counseling of pregnant women with the presence of a spouse on stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression

. Maryam Dafei; . Shahnaz Mojahed; . Ghasem Dastjerdi; . Ali Dehghani; . Tayebeh Shojaaddini Ardakani

Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are classified as one of the vulnerable groups. Physiological andpsychological changes during pregnancy predispose them to serious psychiatric disorders; ...  Read More
Maternal predictive factors for preterm birth: A case–control study in Southern Iran
Maternal predictive factors for preterm birth: A case–control study in Southern Iran

. Azin Alavi; . Parisa Razmjoue; . Ali Safari‑Moradabadi; . Sakineh Dadipoor; . Saeideh Shahsavari

Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Preterm birth (PTB) is one of the most important factors that increase the risk ofchronic diseases and postpartum death in infants. The aim of this study was to determine ...  Read More
The effect of education on anxiety of pregnant mothers before amniocentesis
The effect of education on anxiety of pregnant mothers before amniocentesis

. Shahnaz Mojahed; . Razie Sadat Tabatabaei; . Fariba Reihani; . Ali Dehghani; . Faride Khavari

Volume 11, Issue 2 , February 2021, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Pregnancy alone is associated with many anxieties and worries for many women.Prenatal diagnosis of fetal malformations is one of the most important anxious events for women.Increasing ...  Read More
The association between social support and psychological factors with health‑promoting behaviours in pregnant women: A cross‑sectional study
The association between social support and psychological factors with health‑promoting behaviours in pregnant women: A cross‑sectional study

. Nasrin Rashan; . Nasibeh Sharifi; . Azita Fathnezhad‑Kazemi; . Khadijeh Golnazari; . Safoura Taheri

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 1-7

  INTRODUCTION: Health promotion is one of the most important aspects in pregnancy, andhealth‑promoting behaviors are one of the major determinants of health under the influence of ...  Read More
Assessing the effect of self‑care education on anxiety and depression among pregnant women with a history of spontaneous abortion
Assessing the effect of self‑care education on anxiety and depression among pregnant women with a history of spontaneous abortion

. Taharah Boryri; . Ali Navidian; . Fatemeh Hashem Zehi

Volume 10, Issue 12 , December 2020, , Pages 1-8

  INTRODUCTION: Abortion is one of the most common complications of early pregnancy, whichemerges as a physically and mentally devastating experience. Due to the prevalence and importanceof ...  Read More
Investigating the effect of health literacy level on improving the quality of care during pregnancy in pregnant women covered by health centers
Investigating the effect of health literacy level on improving the quality of care during pregnancy in pregnant women covered by health centers

. Leila Asadi; . Fatemeh Amiri; . Hadise Safinejad

Volume 10, Issue 10 , October 2020, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Health literacy is the capacity to acquire, process, and understand basic informationand services necessary for appropriate health decisions. Given the importance of health ...  Read More
The effect of educational classes during pregnancy on the level of sexual satisfaction after delivery in nulliparous women
The effect of educational classes during pregnancy on the level of sexual satisfaction after delivery in nulliparous women

. Farzaneh Rahimi; . Shadi Goli; . Fariba Eslami

Volume 10, Issue 9 , September 2020, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: In the postpartum period, changes in sexual desire and marital satisfaction can beseen. Learning and giving enough information on changes in pregnancy and postpartum can ...  Read More
Comparing the effect of group training and telemedicine on exercise during pregnancy: An application of the health belief model
Comparing the effect of group training and telemedicine on exercise during pregnancy: An application of the health belief model

. Zahra Sheibani Matin; . Samira Khayat; . Ali Navidian; . Hamed Fanaei

Volume 10, Issue 7 , July 2020, , Pages 1-8

  INTRODUCTION: Many women refuse to exercise during pregnancy due to lack of awareness andnot receiving training. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the effect of group ...  Read More
Novel coronavirus disease 2019 and perinatal outcomes
Novel coronavirus disease 2019 and perinatal outcomes

. Morvarid Irani; . Ali Pakfetrat; . Mahin Kiyani Mask

Volume 10, Issue 4 , April 2020, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND AND AIM: Given the prevalence of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19)and the lack of information on coronavirus and pregnancy, the purpose of this study was to evaluatethe ...  Read More
The relationship between hope and resilience with promoting maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
The relationship between hope and resilience with promoting maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy

. Mahnaz Noroozi; . Mahboobe Gholami; . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi

Volume 10, Issue 3 , March 2020, , Pages 1-7

  INTRODUCTION: Maternal attachment to the fetus is an emotional bond and the unique relationshipof the pregnant woman to the fetus. Attachment is an important predictor of mental health. ...  Read More
The relationship between perfectionism and body image with eating disorder in pregnancy
The relationship between perfectionism and body image with eating disorder in pregnancy

. Maryam Kiani-Sheikhabadi; . Marjan Beigi; . Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi

Volume 9, Issue 12 , December 2019, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Mental health is very important during pregnancy, and perfectionism, body image,and eating disorder are three important factors in mental health. Given that eating disorders ...  Read More
The investigation of effects of static immersion and calming in water on pregnant women’s stress participating in preparation classes for childbirth
The investigation of effects of static immersion and calming in water on pregnant women’s stress participating in preparation classes for childbirth

. Leila Ebad Sichani; . Parvin Bahadoran; . Fariba Fahami; . Parivash Shekarchizadeh Esfahani

Volume 9, Issue 11 , November 2019, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Stress in pregnancy can have a negative effect on mother and fetus and at laston childhood. The use of stress reduction techniques in pregnant women has an effective role ...  Read More
Influence of maternal periodontal health as a risk factor for low‑birth‑weight infants in Terai population of Nepal
Influence of maternal periodontal health as a risk factor for low‑birth‑weight infants in Terai population of Nepal

. Sartaj Singh Wazir; . Pallak Arora; . Snehashish Ghosh; . Vasuda Bhagat; . Suchi Khurana; . Swagat Mahanta

Volume 9, Issue 11 , November 2019, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Preterm low birth weight (PLBW) is a leading perinatal problem in developingcountries. PLBW is considered as a leading cause of neonatal death in the 1st year of life, with ...  Read More
Investigating the service provision challenges by healthcare providers in selected comprehensive health centers
Investigating the service provision challenges by healthcare providers in selected comprehensive health centers

. Foruzandeh Sabaghpoor; . Shahnaz Kohan; . Pejman Aghdak; . Marjan Beigi

Volume 9, Issue 9 , September 2019, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: The healthcare program has opponents and supporters with its multiple policiesand also its difficult implementation, which requires that its barriers and problems be addressedcomprehensively ...  Read More
Investigating the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and the health of pregnant women
Investigating the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and the health of pregnant women

. Fatemeh Ghorbani-Marghmaleki; . Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi; . Marjan Beigi

Volume 9, Issue 9 , September 2019, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Mental health is one of the focuses of the health assessment of differentcommunities and plays an important role in ensuring the dynamism and efficiency of each community.Pregnancy ...  Read More
The relationship between mode of delivery and postpartum depression
The relationship between mode of delivery and postpartum depression

. Leyla Kaya; . Zerrin Çiğdem

Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2019, , Pages 1-6

  PURPOSE: Postpartum period is a critical interval in which the woman is under risk for psychiatricdisorders including postpartum depression (PD). This study was performed to investigate ...  Read More
Psychological profiles of risk for antenatal depression and anxiety in Iranian sociocultural context
Psychological profiles of risk for antenatal depression and anxiety in Iranian sociocultural context

. Zahra Alipour; . Gholam Reza Kheirabadi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Ashraf Kazemi

Volume 8, Issue 12 , December 2018, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND AND AIM: Mental health issues including depression and anxiety are commonin pregnancy worldwide. This study aimed to identify factors associated with mental disorders in ...  Read More
The comparison of fear of childbirth and sense of coherence among low‑risk and high‑risk pregnancy women
The comparison of fear of childbirth and sense of coherence among low‑risk and high‑risk pregnancy women

. Shahla Mohamamdirizi; . Marjan Mohamadirizi; . Soheila Mohamadirizi

Volume 8, Issue 11 , November 2018, , Pages 1-5

  INTRODUCTION: Childbirth fear is one of the major problems during pregnancy and postpartum,and it assesses the sense of management coherence in stress. Therefore, the present study ...  Read More
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on stress, anxiety, and depression of pregnant women referred to health centers
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on stress, anxiety, and depression of pregnant women referred to health centers

. Saeideh Nasiri; . Hossein Akbari; . Leila Tagharrobi; . Akram Sadat Tabatabaee

Volume 8, Issue 3 , March 2018, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: If anxiety and depression do not detect in pregnant women, they may causecomplications for the mother, child, and family, including postpartum depression. With regard to ...  Read More
Oral health of pregnant females in central India: Knowledge, awareness, and present status
Oral health of pregnant females in central India: Knowledge, awareness, and present status

. Saxena Payal; . Gupta Saurabh Kumar; . Yadav Sumitra; . Jain Sandhya; . Jain Deshraj; . Kamthan Shivam; . Saxena Parul

Volume 7, Issue 6 , December 2017, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: The oral health of pregnant females needs attention, especially in developing countrieslike India where oral checkup and care is not considered to be a part of mandatory ...  Read More
Awareness about rational use of medicines among fresh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery graduates
Awareness about rational use of medicines among fresh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery graduates

. Vijaya Laxman Chaudhari; . Smita N. Mali; . Amruta V. Dawari; . Tushar B. Nishandar

Volume 7, Issue 5 , September and October 2017, , Pages 1-6

  CONTEXT: Fresh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery graduates (FMGs) are responsiblefor the majority of prescription errors and irrational use of medicines. Little research ...  Read More
Determinants of the self‑efficacy of physical activity for maintaining weight during pregnancy: The application of the health belief model
Determinants of the self‑efficacy of physical activity for maintaining weight during pregnancy: The application of the health belief model

. Nafise Abdolaliyan; . Hossein Shahnazi; . Ashraf Kzemi; . Akbar Hasanzadeh

Volume 7, Issue 5 , September and October 2017, , Pages 1-6

  INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy is one of the high‑risk periods for women’s health that the lack ofattention to healthy behaviors such as weight control behaviors can lead to adverse ...  Read More
A randomized trial to promote physical activity during pregnancy based on health belief model
A randomized trial to promote physical activity during pregnancy based on health belief model

. Mahnaz Shafieian; . Ashraf Kazemi

Volume 7, Issue 2 , May and June 2017, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: The positive effects of physical activities during pregnancy are totally recognizedbut due to lack of knowledge and negative aspect toward it, physical activities decrease ...  Read More
Pregnant women’s preferences for mode of delivery questionnaire: Psychometric properties
Pregnant women’s preferences for mode of delivery questionnaire: Psychometric properties

. Fereshteh Zamani‑Alavijeh; . Parvin Shahry; . Maryam Kalhori; . Marzieh Araban

Volume 7, Issue 1 , March and April 2017, , Pages 1-7

  Introduction: The rate of caesarean delivery is increasing worldwide. Maternal beliefs may beinfluential on the mode of delivery. This study aimed to validate pregnant women’s ...  Read More
The study of physical activity and some relative factors in referred pregnant women to Isfahan Health‑Care Centers and Shahid Beheshti Hospital
The study of physical activity and some relative factors in referred pregnant women to Isfahan Health‑Care Centers and Shahid Beheshti Hospital

. Parvin Bahadoran; . Soheila Mohamadirizi

Volume 5, Issue 5 , December 2015, , Pages 1-4

  Background: Physical activity generally declines during pregnancy, but activity barriers duringthis period are not well understood. The objective was to determine physical activity ...  Read More