Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Keywords = depression
Psychiatric comorbidities among COVID‑19 survivors in North India: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease‑19 (COVID‑19) emerged from China and rapidly spreadto many other countries all over the world. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of anxiety,depression, ... Read MoreEffect of instrumental music on anxiety and depression among hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Hemodialysis patients suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.One of the known nonpharmacological methods to eliminate these disorders is music therapy. ... Read MoreA study comparing depression, anxiety, and coping styles between high school students attending and not attending coaching class for medical entrance examination
BACKGROUND: Various kinds of stressors and psychological problems have been reported inthe adolescent student population. This study assessed and compared depression, anxiety, andvarious ... Read MoreThe effect of pregnancy training classes based on bandura self‑efficacy theory on postpartum depression and anxiety and type of delivery
BACKGROUND: Postpartum depression and anxiety is one of the most common complicationsthat women face and cause many problems for mother, baby, and family. Considering the effect ofself‑efficacy ... Read MoreFactors affecting the prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression in undergraduate Indian dental students
BACKGROUND: The objective was to assess the prevalence and the associated demographicfactors of stress, anxiety, and depression among undergraduate (UG) Indian dental students anddetermine ... Read MoreThe relationship between depression, stress, anxiety, and postpartum weight retention: A systematic review
Postpartum weight retention (PPWR) is a factor that causes permanent obesity and subsequentchronic and noncommunicable diseases. The relationship between depression/stress/anxiety andPPWR ... Read MoreEffect of positive thinking training on stress, anxiety, depression, and quality of life among hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled clinical trial
BACKGROUND: Given the relationship between positivity interventions and psychological problems,this study aimed to investigate the effect of positive thinking training on stress, anxiety, ... Read MorePrevalence of anxiety, stress, and depression among health care and nonhealth‑care professionals in India
BACKGROUND: The psychological impact of anxiety, stress, and depression among health careand nonhealth‑care professionals in India contribute significantly to the global burden of ... Read More“Perceived stress” and its associated factors among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary health care center in South India
BACKGROUND: “Stress” acts as both etiological link and also as an outcome in the case of diabetesmellitus. There is a paucity of literature regarding stress levels and also ... Read MoreThe association between social support and psychological factors with health‑promoting behaviours in pregnant women: A cross‑sectional study
INTRODUCTION: Health promotion is one of the most important aspects in pregnancy, andhealth‑promoting behaviors are one of the major determinants of health under the influence of ... Read MoreAssessing the effect of self‑care education on anxiety and depression among pregnant women with a history of spontaneous abortion
INTRODUCTION: Abortion is one of the most common complications of early pregnancy, whichemerges as a physically and mentally devastating experience. Due to the prevalence and importanceof ... Read MoreDepression affects autonomic system of the body? Yes, it does!
BACKGROUND: Depression is a disorder of the brain, a state of low mood and aversion to activitythat can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings, and sense of well‑being ... Read MoreAssociation of quality of life with physical activity, depression, and demographic characteristics and its predictors among medical students
BACKGROUND: Medical students face a variety of challenges during their years of medical educationthat can affect their quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to investigate the association ... Read MoreEvaluating the stress and its association with stressors among the dental undergraduate students of Kanpur city, India: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Dental education can be a critical wellspring of stress among dental students,and studies have observed higher levels of stress among dental students than in the all‑inclusivecommunity. ... Read MoreInvestigating related factors to psychological symptoms of infertile couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment
BACKGROUND: The impact of infertility and assisted reproductive treatment on the mental health ofinfertile couples is documented, and the identification of its predictor factors can ... Read MoreImpact of holistic stress management program on academic stress and well‑being of Indian adolescent girls: A randomized controlled trial
CONTEXT: Academic stress among adolescents is a significant contributor to a variety of mentaland behavioral disorders. Holistic stress management interventions equip adolescents with ... Read MoreAntiretroviral therapy adherence based on information, motivation, and behavioral skills model and its association with depression among HIV‑positive patients: Health promotion strategy towards the 909090 target
BACKGROUND: HIV‑infected patients with poor antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence are proneto depression, and depression can exacerbate the disease condition. This study was conducted ... Read MoreEffectiveness of applying problem‑solving training on depression in Iranian pregnant women: Randomized clinical trial
BACKGROUND: Depression during pregnancy is one of the major concerns in mental health, henceusing interventional methods for the treatment or reducing the rate of depression is considereda ... Read MorePrevalence of mental illness and their association with sociodemographic factors in the rural geriatric population in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India: A community‑based study
BACKGROUND: Mental health problems such as cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleepdisorders arising out of senility, neurosis, and living conditions are common in the geriatric ... Read MorePsychological profiles of risk for antenatal depression and anxiety in Iranian sociocultural context
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Mental health issues including depression and anxiety are commonin pregnancy worldwide. This study aimed to identify factors associated with mental disorders in ... Read MoreExamining the relationship between mothers’ prenatal mental health and demographic factors with postpartum depression
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Prenatal mental health has been shown to be related with postpartumdepression. However, the role of mental and psychological factors in postpartum depression requiresespecial ... Read MoreThe effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on stress, anxiety, and depression of pregnant women referred to health centers
BACKGROUND: If anxiety and depression do not detect in pregnant women, they may causecomplications for the mother, child, and family, including postpartum depression. With regard to ... Read MorePredicting body mass index in women: The value of the psychological components of depression, anxiety, dietary restraint, and nutritional habits
Background: Understanding the association between psychological affective disturbancesand anthropometric parameters, including body mass index (BMI), is important. These issuesmay have ... Read MoreEffect of a supportive‑educative program in the math class for stress, anxiety, and depression in female students in the third level of junior high school: An action research
Background and Aim: Students in junior high school, particularly in the third level, areprone to a variety of stressors. This in turn might lead to stress, anxiety, depression, andother ... Read MoreDoes spiritual care program affect levels of depression in patients with Leukemia? A randomized clinical trial