Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Yoga and perceived stress, self‑compassion, and quality of life in undergraduate nursing students
Yoga and perceived stress, self‑compassion, and quality of life in undergraduate nursing students

. Elizabeth Kinchen; . Victoria Loerzel; . Theresia Portoghese

Volume 10, Issue 10 , October 2020, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Student nurses’ experience of stress while enrolled in educational programs iswell‑documented; however, complementary and alternative therapies to alleviate or prevent ...  Read More
Promoting health and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint through non‑pharmacological treatment strategies: A randomized controlled trial
Promoting health and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint through non‑pharmacological treatment strategies: A randomized controlled trial

. Nirav Vaghela; . Daxa Mishra; . Jayshree Patel; . Vyoma Dani

Volume 10, Issue 6 , June 2020, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disorder whichprimarily affects the articular cartilage of synovial joints followed by bony remodeling and overgrowthat ...  Read More
Impact of residential yoga training on occupational stress and health promotion in principals
Impact of residential yoga training on occupational stress and health promotion in principals

. Anita Verma; . Sanjay Uddhav Shete; . Gururaj Doddoli

Volume 10, Issue 2 , February 2020, , Pages 1-9

  BACKGROUND: Occupational stress is known as harmful physical and emotional responses thatoccur when the requirements of the job do not match the resources, needs, or capabilities of ...  Read More
To compare the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on Premenstrual syndrome
To compare the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on Premenstrual syndrome

. Nirav Vaghela; . Daxa Mishra; . Maitri Sheth; . Vyoma Bharat Dani

Volume 9, Issue 10 , October 2019, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Eighty percent of women during their reproductive age experience somesymptoms attributed to premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)is characterized ...  Read More
Awareness and practice of aerobic exercise and yoga among hypertensive patients in Anand city
Awareness and practice of aerobic exercise and yoga among hypertensive patients in Anand city

. Nirav Vaghela; . Daxa Mishra; . Jigar N. Mehta; . Hemal Punjabi; . Hena Patel; . Ishani Sanchala

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2019, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Aerobic exercise is helpful in reducing elevated blood pressure (BP). It was alsofound that yoga is useful in reducing raised BP. Thus, they both can be used in prevention ...  Read More
Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress in college students
Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress in college students

. Mahesh Narain Tripathi; . Sony Kumari; . Tikhe Sham Ganpat

Volume 8, Issue 3 , March 2018, , Pages 1-3

  College students are vulnerable to a critical period in developmental maturation, facing rigorousacademic work, and learning how to function independently. Physical activities such ...  Read More