Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Effect of spiritual intelligence training on nurses’ skills for communicating with patients – an experimental study
Effect of spiritual intelligence training on nurses’ skills for communicating with patients – an experimental study

. Mansour Arad; . Leyla Alilu; . Hosein Habibzadeh; . Hamidreza Khalkhali; . Rasoul Goli

Volume 12, Issue 4 , April 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Since poor communication with the patient has a negative impact on the quality of nursing care, taking the necessary measures to strengthen the relationship with the ...  Read More
Competence in providing spiritual care and its relationship with spiritual well‑being among Iranian nurses
Competence in providing spiritual care and its relationship with spiritual well‑being among Iranian nurses

. Mojtaba Jafari; . Masoud Fallahi-Khoshknab

Volume 11, Issue 9 , October 2021, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: Competence in providing spiritual care to patients has become an increasinglyimportant aspect of nursing care delivery. However, studies on nurses’ competence in spiritual ...  Read More
Identification of dimensions and indicators of spiritual health: A qualitative study
Identification of dimensions and indicators of spiritual health: A qualitative study

. Reza Ghanbari; . Mojgan Mohammadimehr

Volume 10, Issue 12 , December 2020, , Pages 1-8

  INTRODUCTION: Spiritual health is considered one of the important dimensions of health and hasbeen given serious attention by the scientific community, World Health Organization, health ...  Read More
Comparing relationship between spiritual well‑being and death anxiety among women with breast and cervical cancers and women with gastric and colorectal cancers
Comparing relationship between spiritual well‑being and death anxiety among women with breast and cervical cancers and women with gastric and colorectal cancers

. Nasrin Nezami; . Forouzandeh Dashti; . Leyla Alilu; . Shiva Heidari

Volume 10, Issue 10 , October 2020, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Death anxiety is one of the most common problems among women with cancer,which can affect the useful treatment process. With regard to the superior role of spiritual well‑beingover ...  Read More
Spiritual health in women with multiple sclerosis and its association with self‑esteem
Spiritual health in women with multiple sclerosis and its association with self‑esteem

. Vahid Shaygannejad; . Shahla Mohamadirizi

Volume 10, Issue 3 , March 2020, , Pages 1-5

  INTRODUCTION: Spiritual health is one of the four dimensions of health in humans, and the othersare physical, psychological, and social dimensions. This dimension is essential to increase ...  Read More
Relationship between aggression and individual resilience with the mediating role of spirituality in academic students – A path analysis
Relationship between aggression and individual resilience with the mediating role of spirituality in academic students – A path analysis

. Yasaman Zahra Sadeghifard; . Yousef Veisani; . Fathola Mohamadian; . Akbar Azizifar; . Sakineh Naghipour; . Sehat Aibod

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: The importance of spirituality and spiritual growth in humans has been increasinglytaken to attention by psychologists and mental health professionals. In this study, we ...  Read More
Spiritual well‑being promotion for older adults: Implication for healthcare policy makers’ decision making on cost savings
Spiritual well‑being promotion for older adults: Implication for healthcare policy makers’ decision making on cost savings

. Nader Aghakhani; . Claire Su‑Yeon Park

Volume 9, Issue 9 , September 2019, , Pages 1-3

  A spiritual well‑being‑based nursing intervention may boost older adults’ resilience‑based recovery. Itspotential contribution may have positive knock‑on effects: controlling ...  Read More
Spiritual aspects of care for chronic Muslim patients: A qualitative study
Spiritual aspects of care for chronic Muslim patients: A qualitative study

. Alireza Irajpour; . Maryam Moghimian; . Habibreza Arzani

Volume 8, Issue 9 , September 2018, , Pages 1-7

  INTRODUCTION: For Muslim patients confronted with chronic diseases, spirituality is an importantresource for coping. These patients expect the health team to take care of the spiritual ...  Read More
Does Islamic spiritual program lead to successful aging? A randomized clinical trial
Does Islamic spiritual program lead to successful aging? A randomized clinical trial

. Mahin Moeini; . Somaye Sharifi; . Zahra Zandiyeh

Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2016, , Pages 1-7

  Context: Successful aging is a pattern of aging that has gained much attention during recentyears. One factor that has a negative impact on successful aging variables is hypertension. ...  Read More
Does spiritual care program affect levels of depression in patients with Leukemia? A randomized clinical trial
Does spiritual care program affect levels of depression in patients with Leukemia? A randomized clinical trial

. Amir Musarezaie; . Mahin Moeini; . Fariba Taleghani; . Tayebeh Mehrabi

Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-6

  Background: Although 25‑33% of patients with non‑hematological malignancies suffer fromdepression disorder, some studies have reported the rate among patients with leukemia ashigh ...  Read More
The relationship between dimensions of religiosity/ spirituality with mental health and hope for future between staff of public hospitals in Shiraz
The relationship between dimensions of religiosity/ spirituality with mental health and hope for future between staff of public hospitals in Shiraz

. Mohammad Ali Nadi; . Nasrin Ghahremani

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-6

  Introduction: Due to the impacts of spirituality and its dimensions on psychological structures in theworkplace and their ability to influence organizational performances have received ...  Read More
Investigation of the SWB and its relation with demographic parameters in patients with breast cancer referred to an oncology hospital affiliated to the Isfahan university of medical sciences
Investigation of the SWB and its relation with demographic parameters in patients with breast cancer referred to an oncology hospital affiliated to the Isfahan university of medical sciences

. Amir Musarezaie; . Homayoon Naji-Esfahani; . Tahere Momeni-Ghale ghasemi; . Jahangir Karimian; . Amroallah Ebrahimi

Volume 3, Issue 7 , July 2013, , Pages 1-7

  Background: Spiritual well‑being is well‑recognized as a factor that affects cancer patients’quality of life, quality of care, and satisfaction. There is evidence that supports ...  Read More