. Akram Sadeghian; . Shahram Tofighi; . Nikoo Yamani; . Tahereh changiz
Volume 10, Issue 6 , June 2020, , Pages 1-9
CONTEXT: Universities of medical sciences are responsible for educating and training humanresources (HRs) that provide services to all members of the community. Clinical educators play ...
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CONTEXT: Universities of medical sciences are responsible for educating and training humanresources (HRs) that provide services to all members of the community. Clinical educators play asignificant role in the promotion of health and education in medical sciences universities.AIMS: The aim of this study was to prioritize and develop a model to illustrate the relationship betweenfaculty recruitment challenges in medical sciences universities.SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) is a system design method initiallyintroduced by Warfield (1974). This method helps create order in the complex interconnectionsbetween components of a system by interpreting the opinions of a group of experts. It both determinesthe priority of elements influencing one another and uncovers the association between the elementsof a multipart set in a hierarchical structure.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In this method, the identified challenges were built into a pairedcomparison questionnaire to be completed by policymakers and experts. By the same token, theobtained results were analyzed with the ISM technique.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The four steps include identified variables related to the issue, structuralself‑interaction matrix, initial reachability matrix, and final reachability matrix was used for analysis.According to these steps, the ISM model was portrayed.RESULTS: The ISM model was developed in ten levels that divided into three parts including keychallenges, strategic challenges, and dependent challenges.CONCLUSION: Health promotion and quality of education in medical sciences universities isdependent on quality of faculty recruitment system. According to the results, it is imperative that HRmanagers and policymakers improve existing rules and develop policies to solve the challenges inthis area.