. Seyed Saeed Mazloomy Mahmoodabad,; . Zohreh Karimiankakolaki; . Ashraf Kazemi; . Hossein Fallahzadeh
Volume 9, Issue 7 , July 2019, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The inability of women to demand from their husbands, for not smoking,has been reported as a factor in exposure to cigarette smoke. This study aimed to investigate ...
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BACKGROUND AND AIM: The inability of women to demand from their husbands, for not smoking,has been reported as a factor in exposure to cigarette smoke. This study aimed to investigate theperceived barriers and self‑efficacy of pregnant women regarding second‑hand smoke (SHS) at home.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross‑sectional study, and the sample size was 255pregnant women who visited the health‑care centers in Isfahan, Iran, from July 2018 to September2018, and were selected randomly and voluntarily. A questionnaire was designed to collect thedata about the exposure to smoke, perceived barriers, and self‑efficacy. The data were analyzedusing descriptive statistics (mean score and standard deviation), inferential statistics (nonparametricMann–Whitney and Kendall test), and Spearman’s correlation and regression.RESULTS: The mean score of self‑efficacy in the exposure group was lower than that the othergroup (P = 0.000). The mean score of perceived barrier was not a significant difference (P = 0.449).Personal perceived barriers are the most important predictor of self‑efficacy of pregnant womenin exposure to SHS (95% confidence interval: 0.013–0.262) (P = 0.030). Kendall test comparingitems within the group and Mann–Whitney test comparing the two groups showed that personalfactors such as “Unaware of the dangers of SHS and protective measures” for notexposed womenand environmental factor “the lack of ban smoking law at home” for exposed women are consideredthe most important barriers (P = 0.000). “Not being together a husband” (P = 0.293) and “going toanother place when smoking a husband” (P = 0.000) are the highest self‑efficacy items.CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to develop training programs to increase self‑efficacy to avoidexposure to SHS and for both pregnant women and their husbands. It is also necessary to educateand inform about SHS and protective measures against it and to set up “smoking ban law” at homein our country to protect pregnant women.