. Hajar Ziaeefar; . Maryam Tajvar; . Mehdi Yaseri; . Abolghasem Pourreza
Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Over the past few decades, significant demographic and epidemiological changeshave been occurred and led to serious changes in the health-care needs of the elderly. Integratedcare ...
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BACKGROUND: Over the past few decades, significant demographic and epidemiological changeshave been occurred and led to serious changes in the health-care needs of the elderly. Integratedcare has been emerged as a strategy to provide better care for the elderly in the community. The aimof this study was conducted to evaluate components of integrated health-care program of the elderly.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in Tehran(Iran) in 2019. For the purpose of the study, a two-stage cluster sampling method was employed.In the firs stage, primary health-care centers were selected, then in the second stage, a systematicrandom sampling was conducted based on the number of the elderly covered by each center. levelof frailty, medication use awareness, and self-care ability were evaluated by the elderly self-reportquestionnaire. The questionnaire was piloted with thirty respondents. The test–retest reliability scorefor the questionnaire was r = 0.795, P < 0.001. Data analysis of the questionnaire was conductedusing generalized estimating equation model by SPSS software Version 22. Statistical significancefor all analyses was set at P < 0.05.RESULTS: Findings of the components showed that the mean ± standard deviation of frailty (80 ± 17)and self‑care ability (87 ± 17) were higher than the mean of medication use awareness (49 ± 19).Frailty and self‑care ability (β = frailty, self‑care) of the elderly had a positive statistical significancewith the ones with good financial status (β = 5, 10) and without chronic disease (β = 4, 5). Medicationuse awareness had a negative statistical significance with illiteracy (β = −9.5).CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that the medication use awareness of the elderly should be prioritizedby improving integrated health‑care program.