. Mohammad Esmaiel Hajinezhad; . Alireza Yousef; . Fariba Jowkar
Volume 11, Issue 3 , March 2021, , Pages 1-9
BACKGROUND: The scientific Olympiad is an event that creates a competitive environment forstudent groups of medical universities across the country to solve problems that can help improvethe ...
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BACKGROUND: The scientific Olympiad is an event that creates a competitive environment forstudent groups of medical universities across the country to solve problems that can help improvethe health system. This study aims to explain the issues of the scientific Olympiad program of Iranianmedical students.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted using content analysis method, and thedata were collected through 21 semi‑structured, in‑depth interviews with experts from December2018 to April 2020. Participants were selected using purposive sampling methods. Twenty‑onestudents, domain leaders, question designers, Olympiad executive experts, and teachers (11 malesand 10 females) participated in the interviews. Data analysis was performed based on the steps ofGraneheim and Lundman’s method. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and subjected to aqualitative analysis by MAXQDA 2018 software.RESULTS: From the analysis of data, four themes, including inattention to context, inattention toinput, inattention to process, and inattention to output, emerged.CONCLUSIONS: The scientific Olympiad can lead to interuniversity scientific exchanges and pavesthe way for the promotion of education and evaluation of learners in medical universities, but if notcorrectly implemented and the problems of previous periods are not solved, it will not help the healthsystem and can impose considerable costs on the system.