. Tinju James; . Thekkuttuparambil Ananthanarayanan Ajith1; . Donia Joson; . Betsy Thomas
Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Medical Council of India has suggested competency‑based curriculum forundergraduate students to make it learner centric. One‑month “Foundation course” was ...
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BACKGROUND: Medical Council of India has suggested competency‑based curriculum forundergraduate students to make it learner centric. One‑month “Foundation course” was introducedat the beginning of the course to promote better adaptation to the new curriculum. A cross‑sectionalstudy was conducted to analyze the feedback from students who attended the foundation course.MATERIALS AND METHODS: All first‑year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery studentswho underwent 1‑month foundation course were included in the study. The course was conductedin six modules. All the sessions were handled by efficient resource people and conducted in aninteractive manner. A form in which response against each topic/talk was graded as average, good,or excellent was used to obtain the feedback. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package forSocial Sciences 16 software. Responses among various modules were subjected to Chi‑squaretwo‑sided test with Yates’s correction.RESULTS: A total of 98 students (32 males and 66 females) attended the foundation course of21 days. Among the modules conducted, basic skill training module was scored excellent (67%)remarks, followed by sports and extracurricular activities (64.6%) (P = 0.8806). Among the skilltraining module, both basic life support training and first aid on medicine/pediatrics achieved 92%excellent score. One of the orientation module sessions, research methodology, scored least. Thedescending order of excellent remarks was skill module > sports and extracurricular activities > fieldvisit to the community and primary health center > orientation modules > enhancement of language.CONCLUSION: Attention should be given to include more topics concerned to the modules ofskill training and extracurricular activities in upcoming years. Foundation courses can increase theconfidence and better adaptability of the students toward a new environment.