. Asghar Razmara; . Teamur Aghamolaei; . Abdoulhossain Madani; . Zahra Hosseini; . Shahram Zare
Volume 8, Issue 11 , November 2018, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: Safe‑driving behaviors of taxi drivers are fundamental to health. The presentresearch aimed to predict the taxi drivers’ safe‑driving behaviors based on the theory ...
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BACKGROUND: Safe‑driving behaviors of taxi drivers are fundamental to health. The presentresearch aimed to predict the taxi drivers’ safe‑driving behaviors based on the theory of plannedbehavior (TPB) and habit.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present research is of a descriptive/analytical cross‑sectional typeconducted on 184 taxi drivers in Bandar Abbas who were selected through a multiple‑stratified samplingmethod. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire comprised of two sections (demographicinformation and the constructs of TPB.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: The data were later on analyzed via SPSS ver 19 and Pearson’scorrelation coefficient as well as multiple regressions.RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 45.1 (standard deviation [SD = 11.1) years, andthey had an average experience of taxi driving for 10.3 years (SD = 7.5). Subjective norms, perceivedbehavioral control, and habits were the predictors of one’s intention of driving safely (r2 = 0.30,F = 18.7, P < 0.001). Moreover, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and habits were found to bethe predictors of safe‑driving behaviors (r2 = 0.19, F = 8.1, P < 0.001). Finally, habits showed to bea stronger predictor of safe‑driving behaviors than attitude and perceived behavioral control.CONCLUSION: Consideration of individuals’ behavioral habits and correction of unsafe habits, focuson the adverse effects of unsafe‑driving behaviors, goal setting to change incorrect driving habits,attention to influential groups in altering unsafe‑driving behaviors, and careful monitoring of abidingby the rules are suggested to promote safe‑driving behaviors.