. Razie Toghroli; . Farideh Moradi; . Laleh Hassani; . Teamur Aghamolaei; . Nafiul Mehedi; . Fatemeh Mahmoodi; . Azam Faraji; . Ava Sadat Hoseini; . Ali Soroush; . Behdad Ziapour
Volume 11, Issue 8 , September 2021, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: At present, the SERVQUAL model is one of the most significant tools for measuringcustomers’ expectations and perceptions in organizations. Determination of expectations ...
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BACKGROUND: At present, the SERVQUAL model is one of the most significant tools for measuringcustomers’ expectations and perceptions in organizations. Determination of expectations andperceptions of students who are the main university customers from educational services can providevaluable information to the programmers to improve the condition of educational services. Therefore,this study aims to measure the quality of education services from the viewpoint of postgraduatestudents at Kermanshah Medical Sciences University using the SERVQUAL model in 2019.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross‑sectional study. The population under thestudy consisted of 162 students at the postgraduate education section (Master’s degree and Ph.D.)studying in the second semester of the academic year of 2019 at Kermanshah Medical SciencesUniversity. The standard SERVQUAL questionnaire was used for data collection, which includedfive dimensions of the quality of educational services, and the random‑stratified sampling methodwas employed. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics software (version 23.0, SPSSInc., Chicago, IL, USA), and descriptive and other statistical tests, including the Pearson correlationcoefficient, and paired and independent t‑tests were performed.RESULTS: Based on the students’ perspective in the provision of service there was quality gapexisted in all services, and the largest gap was in the reliability dimension (−0.37), and after that,empathy (−0.37), guaranty (0.27), and responsiveness (−0.24) dimensions, respectively, and thelowest one was in the tangible dimension (0.15). There was a statistically significant observeddifference between the quality gap in different educational dimensions (P > 0.001).CONCLUSION: Research findings showed that students were not meeting their expectations fromthe presented educational services. Hence, holding a training workshop is suggested in the field ofhow to serve and enhance communication skills for employees and teachers.