. Mohammad H. Yarmohammadian; . Leila Mohammadinia; . Nahid Tavakoli; . Parvin Ghalriz; . Abbas Haghshenas
Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-6
Introduction and Objective: Nowadays medical errors are one of the serious issues in thehealth‑care system and carry to account of the patient’s safety threat. The most importantstep ...
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Introduction and Objective: Nowadays medical errors are one of the serious issues in thehealth‑care system and carry to account of the patient’s safety threat. The most importantstep for achieving safety promotion is identifying errors and their causes in order to recognize,correct and omit them. Concerning about repeating medical errors and harms, which werereceived via theses errors concluded to designing and establishing medical error reportingsystems for hospitals and centers that are presenting therapeutic services. The aim of this studyis the recognition of medical errors’ reporting system dimensions in educational hospitals.Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive‑analytical and qualities’ study, whichhas been carried out in Shahid Beheshti educational therapeutic center in Isfahan during 2012.In this study, relevant information was collected through 15 face to face interviews. That eachof interviews take place in about 1hr and creation of five focused discussion groups through45 min for each section, they were composed of Metron, educational supervisor, health officer,health education, and all of the head nurses. Concluded data interviews and discussion sessionswere coded, then achieved results were extracted in the presence of clear‑sighted persons andafter their feedback perception, they were categorized. In order to make sure of informationcorrectness, tables were presented to the research’s interviewers and final the correctionswere confirmed based on their view. Finding: The extracted information from interviews anddiscussion groups have been divided into nine main categories after content analyzing andsubject coding and their subsets have been completely expressed. Achieved dimensionsare composed of nine domains of medical error concept, error cases according to nurses’prospection, medical error reporting barriers, employees’ motivational factors for error reporting,purposes of medical error reporting system, error reporting’s challenges and opportunities,a desired system characteristics, and the quality of error experiences’ transmission in thehealth‑care system. Conclusion: Although, appropriate achievements have been assuredin Shahid Beheshti Hospital, but it seemsnecessary that in order to immune promotionnot only in this hospital, but in the otherorganizations, necessary infrastructures havebeen provided for an error reporting systemperformance. An appropriate medical errorreporting system could be educated andprevent the occurrence of repeated errors.